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Where is the headquarters of the UN Trusteeship Council located?
a. New York
b. Washington D. C
c. Geneva
d. Hague

Last updated date: 09th May 2024
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Hint: The Trusteeship Council is regarded as one of the main organs of the UN. In order to supervise the administration of territories that have been transformed from colonies to sovereign nations. The involvement of decolonization was not direct.

Complete answer:
It was established with the sole purpose to make sure that nonself governing territories are being administered in a proper way with the interest of inhabitants taken into consideration.
Under the UN charter, Trusteeship Council was established in 1945 in order to administer the activities of 11 Trust territories. It was established after the second world war. The headquarters of the Trusteeship Council is located in New York in the United States.
To specific territories that were transferred from one country’s control to another after World war I, a league of nation mandate was the status provided.
The 11 Trust territories were either colonies or territories that depended on others. After the formation of the Trusteeship Council, many territories became independent and are self-governing. Palau was the last territory that became independent in 1994. After the year 1994, the operations were suspended In Trusteeship Council but it decided to meet on a regular basis.
So, the correct answer is Option A.

Note: The headquarters of the UN Trusteeship Council is located in New York. It was formed in the year 1945 in order to administer 11 trust territories. After the Second World war, it was formed. It was created with the sole purpose to make territories independent. By the year 1994 around all trust territories gained self-government. In 1994 it was suspended.