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Why does dust accumulate on ceiling fans?

Last updated date: 03rd May 2024
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Hint: When fan blades move quickly through the air and brush the air molecules to shift them out of the way, static electricity occurs. On the leading edge of your fan blade, these molecules will build up an electrical charge, which is why dust particles will accumulate and attach to one side more than the other.

Complete answer:
The majority of dust particles floating around your house have an electric charge, which can cause dust molecules to attract one another, resulting in dust bunnies under your bed. Fan blades also travel quickly through the air, scraping and brushing air molecules and pushing them out of the way. Static electricity occurs as a result of a charge building up on the leading edge of a fan blade.

As we know that dust molecules flow through the air and come in contact with the fan blade's leading edge, they are drawn to the charged edge and results attached to it. As a result of frictional forces, the leading edge of the fan blade accumulates and maintains the highest charge, and hence attracts the most dust. And there are some other reasons too that are airflow and fluid dynamics for the dust build up on our ceiling fan blades.

Note: The result of a disparity between negative and positive charges in a body is called static electricity. static charges usually build up on the surface of the body till they find their way to be discharged. And usually, the rubbing of certain materials against one another results in transfer of negative charges, or electrons.
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