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Choose the symbol of a single cell.
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Last updated date: 09th May 2024
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Hint: A cell is basically a DC voltage source. It is represented by a pair of vertical lines, one for the positive terminal and the other for the negative terminal.

Complete step-by-step solution
There exist separate symbols for each of the various components used in an electric circuit. These symbols are basically pictograms corresponding to the electrical components.
We know that a cell is represented by a pair of one big and one short line, placed in the vertical position towards each other. The bigger line represents the positive terminal of the battery, as it is at the higher potential. And the short line represents the negative terminal of the battery, as it is at the lower potential.
In the symbol given in the option A, we can see one big line and one short line. The bigger line is designated as positive, while the shorter line is designated as negative. So we see that it matches correctly with the conventional symbol for a cell.
Therefore, the option A is correct.
In the symbol given in option B, we can see several pairs of big and short lines. According to the conventional symbol for a cell, each pair represents a single cell. So this symbol represents the combination of a number of electrical cells. But in the question, we have been asked about the symbol for only a single cell.
Therefore the option B is incorrect.
The symbol given in the option C represents an AC voltage source.
So the option C is also incorrect.
Lastly, the symbol given in the option D represents a voltmeter.
So the option D is also incorrect.
Hence, the correct answer is option A.

The function of both the DC cell and the AC voltage source is to provide a potential difference. So we might think that option C also should be correct. But we must note that the term “cell” is used for a DC power source, and not for an AC source. Hence, the option C is incorrect.
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