NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics Chapter 11 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter Hindi Medium
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics In Hindi Chapter 11 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter Hindi Medium
Q1. What are the topics and subtopics covered under Chapter 11 Class 12 Physics?
The main topics in Chapter 11 of Class 12 Physics are distributed under the duality of matter and radiation. The following list shows both the main and sub-topics covered:
Electron Emission
Photoelectric Effect
Hertz’s Observation
Hallwachs’ and Lenard’s Observation
Experimental Study of Photoelectric Effect
Effect of intensity of light
Effect of potential
Effect of Frequency of Incident Radiation
Photoelectric Effect and Wave Theory of Light
Photoelectric Equation
The Photon
Wave Nature of Matter
Davisson-Germer Experiment
Q2. What is the photoelectric effect, according to Chapter 11 of Class 12 Physics?
In Chapter 11 of Class 12 students understand and learn the concept of the photoelectric effect. The emission of electrons from a metal surface when a photon of a certain frequency strikes on it is known as the photoelectric effect. There is a directly proportional relationship between the number of photoelectrons emitted per second and the intensity of the light photons incident upon the metal surface.
Q3. What are the concepts conveyed in Chapter 11 of Class 12 Physics?
Chapter 11 of Class 12 Physics conveys the concepts of the duality of nature that exist in both matter and radiation. Given below is a list of the concepts that are taught to students through these solutions in an easily understandable manner:
Dual Nature of Radiation
Photoelectric effect, its experimental study, and the photoelectric equation
Hertz and Lenard's observations
Matter Waves and de Broglie Equation
Q4. Which is the significance of using NCERT Solutions for Chapter 11 ‘Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter’ of Class 12 Physics?
NCERT Solutions of Chapter 11 'Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation' of Class 12 Physics is significant in understanding the complex concepts covered in the lesson. NCERT Solutions makes it easier for the students because they already have expert-created notes and revision materials. These solutions are simple, straightforward, and prepared in a clear language thereby letting students have fun learning the concepts interactively and understandably while gaining important insights from the chapter. These solutions are available free of cost on the Vedantu app and on the Vedantu website.
Q5. What are the important equations in Chapter 11 of Physics Class 12?
The concepts covered in Chapter 11 of Class 12 Physics can be summarised in some very important equations given throughout the Chapter.
Maximum Kinetic Energy, eVo=mV2max/2
Energy(E) of a particle of mass (m) moving velocity (v) and momentum (p), E=1/2mv2=p2/2m
Momentum of a particle, P=mv=√2mE = √2mqV
Expression for de Broglie wavelength, λ=h/p=h/mv=h/√2mE=h/√2mqV
De Broglie wavelength gas molecule λ=h/mcrms=h/√3mKT
Number of photons emitted per second by a source, n = power/energy