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Which is the symbol of the element tungsten?
(A) Ta
(B) Tc
(C) W
(D) V

Last updated date: 04th May 2024
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Hint: Not all the elements in the periodic table have their symbol from their chemical name. Some have from their source, origin and discovery. For example, the symbol of iron is Fe which comes from its Latin name ‘Ferrum’.

Complete step-by-step solution:
Tungsten is a transition element that belongs to the d-block of the periodic table. It has atomic number 74 and symbol W.
Tungsten got its symbol from the mineral ore it obtained, Wolframite. In German, Spain and Slavic, it is known as Wolfram. The name Wolframite comes from German ‘wolf rahm’ which means wolf cream or wolf’s froth. Although the word tungsten has a specific meaning in Swedish; tungsten - heavy stone, because it is the toughest thing found in nature.
Pure tungsten metal was first isolated by two brothers, the De Elhujar brothers in 1783. Tungsten has lowest vapour pressure, highest tensile strength, excellent corrosion resistance and highest melting point of all metals.
Some of the applications of tungsten are- it is used in a heavy metal alloy and superalloys. You must have seen it as a heating element in the bulbs. It has high melting point and low vapour pressure, due to which it is used in many high temperature electronics such as bulbs. Due to its high tensile strength, it is used to make tungsten guns. It is the strongest metal on earth with least toxicity.

Hence, the correct option is (C).

Note: The element occurs naturally in three more minerals other than Wolframite. These are- Scheelite, Huebnerite and ferberite. It is produced from the ores by reducing tungsten oxide with carbon.