Essay on Unity in Diversity
The concept of being united despite many differences is called Unity in Diversity. These differences can be of many types - religious, cultural, caste, creed, language, regional differences, and a host of other such things in society. It is of utmost importance to rise above these differences and remain united. In our childhood, we read the story where the father teaches unity. He shows how one stick is easy to break, while a bunch of sticks is hard to break. We need unity to remain strong at the societal, communal, and national levels.
Sadhguru, in one of his lectures, once said that India is successful to remain largely unharmed despite so many foreign invasions because of its diversity. The foreign enemies could not wrap their heads around how to rule such a diverse country. Their tactic to rule North India did not work in the South. Their clever policies to destroy Western India did not work in the East. As a result, nobody could destroy India as a whole.
Today, India is home to many cultures, religions, castes, and creeds. The same moon that the Hindu women see to break their fasts on Karva Chauth is also seen by the Muslims to break their fasts on the last day of Ramzan. We eat Bengal’s Rasgullas after finishing Hyderabadi Biryani. We dance to Punjabi foot-tapping tunes wherever we may live. India is progressing scientifically, culturally, and spiritually because of this unity.
India got independence in 1947. Despite that, she has grown rapidly. This would not have been possible if India was not united. On one hand, the Punjabis protected the country from Pakistan and China, on the other, Bengal and Bombay proved India’s cultural superiority. When the politicians from central India were busy fending off Chinese and American diplomatic obstacles, then, the Tamil scientist C.V. Raman and the Parsi Physicist Homi Bhaba showed the world that India is not a country to be underestimated. Later with APJ Abdul Kalam’s leadership, India became a Nuclear-armed country and no country dared to cross swords against India ever since.
India is strong because of the combined ideas of people belonging to different cultures, religions, and regions. If one part of India gets wounded there are other parts to provide bandages.
The biggest challenge faced by the unity of India is religious enmity. Today there are people in politics, in society, and in our neighbouring countries who want to see chaos because of the religious riots. They all have their agendas. A broken country is easy to destroy. It is also good for vote-bank politics also.
Again, some states want to get separated from India despite so many years passing after independence. These demands are fuelled by both the neighbouring country’s invitation and by the negligence of the political leaders and their failure.
India is growing not because of any particular group of people - it is growing because of the combined work of the people of Punjab, Sindhu, Gujarat, Maratha, Dravida, Utkala, and Banga. Very often we forget to mention the contribution made by the people of the North East and Kashmir. The apples from Kashmir, the scenic beauty of Kashmir and the North East, the sweet songs are sung by the North Eastern people are all India’s pride. Let us rise above petty politics, let us rise above religious extremism, let us welcome the regional differences. Let us be ONE.
Important Tips To Write An Essay
Make a heading for your writings that is both interesting and relevant. It will help to pique the reader's curiosity and captivate their attention.
It should have a word count of 300 to 500 words. This is the ideal length; however, you may make it longer or shorter by using your creativity.
In your writing, use a clear and straightforward tone. The sentence's flow is disrupted by unneeded complex and difficult terms.
Use appropriate punctuation and spelling instead of making grammatical errors. The reader will be drawn away from the text if this is not done.
Gather your thoughts and create a basic framework before you begin writing the essay. This way, you can ensure that the story moves along smoothly and isn't a jumbled mess.
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FAQs on Unity in Diversity Essay: Celebrating India's Cultural Heritage
1.What do you understand by diversity?
Understanding that each person is unique and appreciating their differences is what diversity entails. These distinctions can be based on race, gender, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation. Diversity is more than just accepting differences; it is a set of deliberate behaviours that include:
Understanding and valuing humanity's, civilizations', and natural environment's interconnection.
A mutual appreciation for differences in personality and life experiences.
Recognize that variety comprises not just various ways of being, but also various approaches to comprehending.
Understanding how personal, cultural, and systemic prejudice shapes and benefits certain people while creating and maintaining disadvantages for others.
Creating varied connections so that we can all work together to end bias of any kind.
2.What do you mean by "Unity in Diversity"?
Unity in Diversity is the concept of being together despite many variances. Religious, cultural, caste, faith, language, regional differences, and a variety of other factors in society can all contribute to these variations. We must rise above our disagreements and remain unified. We all remember reading as children a story about a father who teaches his children the value of unity. He demonstrates how one stick is simple to break, but a group of sticks is difficult to break. To remain strong at the societal, communal, and national levels, we need unity. Read this essay and understand the meaning of this topic better. Log on to Vedantu to seek professional mentoring from the top experts online.
3.What are the obstacles in the path to unity?
The greatest challenge to India's unity is religious hatred. People in politics, society, and our neighbouring countries now want to see turmoil as a result of the religious riots. They're all on their schedules. It is simple to destabilize a fractured country. It's also beneficial to vote-bank politics. Despite the passage of time since India's independence, several states still aspire to secede from the country. These demands are fueled by both the invitation from a neighbouring country and the political authorities' carelessness and failure.
4.What is the format for essay writing?
This is your essay's first paragraph. The writer introduces his topic in this section. In the introduction paragraph, you can give a very quick summary of your essay. Some paragraph writing skills may be useful in this situation. It is usually not very long, perhaps 4-6 lines.
The body of your essay is the most important part. The body of your essay is the meat that sits between the introduction and the conclusion. As a result, the essay's most crucial substance will be found here. This does not have to be contained inside a single paragraph. Depending on the content, it may run into two or more paragraphs.
This is the essay's final paragraph. Although a conclusion may just repeat the introduction paragraph, make sure the wording and syntax are distinct. A conclusion is also a good location to wrap up a story or a debate. You might conclude your essay by stating a moral or concluding a story. Make sure your essays are finished with a conclusion and no loose ends.
5. What are the quotes we can use in the essay "unity in diversity"?
These quotations on diversity and togetherness will remind you that we have a lot more in common than we realise.
“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.” – J.K. Rowling, ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’
“Unity to be real must stand the severest strain without breaking.” – Mahatma Gandhi
“We are each other’s harvest; we are each other’s business; we are each other’s magnitude and bond.” – Gwendolyn Brooks
“We cannot be separated in interest or divided in purpose. We stand together until the end.” – Woodrow T. Wilson
“When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.” – Winston S. Churchill