Speech on Money
One of the most important aspects of everyone's life is money. We require money to purchase a variety of items for ourselves, ranging from the simplest to the largest. Money is also the source of any country's economic balance or imbalance. At various moments, you may be asked to give a speech on money. We'll show you some money speech examples that will help you give an excellent speech to your audience. If you need to give a one-minute speech anywhere, you can utilize the short speech on money. The language is simple yet powerful for any occasion.
Long and Short Speech on Money
For this money is speech, let's understand what money is. It is an essential commodity that is exchanged when one consumes products or services for themselves. Possessing money by people can be very useful to provide them with all the resources necessary to fulfill their dreams. It can help in so many ways, but it is also important to understand it is not everything. Having enough is good enough for leading a comfortable life. In this article, we will look into various ways of presenting money as speech, or money is not speech. It can be a Long Speech on Money or a Short Speech on Money.
Long Speech on Money
Many people believe that money equals free speech, in this form of speech we will dive into these details and this can be helpful for students in grades 8-12 who are trying to understand the workings of the world.
Good Morning everyone, honorable Principal, respected teachers and my dear friends, I Abc (mention your name) am here to enlighten you with the learnings I had when I was trying to understand the importance of money. It is certainly an asset to have access to this commodity, especially at a time when the prices are only rising. Money also definitely gives you the power to fulfill your dreams, be it attaining a quality education, traveling, starting a business, owning a luxurious car or helping your immediate family also fulfill their dreams.
It however has a way to bring out the worst in people as they become greedy, and try to earn more than necessary and not always by legal means. Those who have an abundance of it are the rich and they are in a position of power to dictate the lives of others, especially ones who lack and are at a disadvantage here.
It is assumed that money is free speech, which suggests when an individual or a community with money has the freedom to be upfront about their opinions and notions about anyone or anything without having to deal with any consequence. But this idea for the large part does not hold because the supreme court money is speech and is not just limited to money. Rather it emphasizes that everyone has the freedom to speak without interference and not be limited by fear.
It is very evident in our daily lives that not everybody has access to everything one needs or desires. People with money have also worked hard to reach a stage where they can not worry about anything and can afford luxuries without feeling guilty. People who follow the righteous path for earning money by putting in a lot of hard work and perseverance value this commodity. And are also aware of other people's hardships and help them in their ways. These people also uplift the credibility of the society they live in.
Whereas people who are only driven by greed engage in illegal means of earning money and even after that they are dissatisfied and wish to earn even more and not even consider the struggles of other people.
Money is truly a double-edged sword, while on one hand, it can give you a certain level of respect and status in society. But it can also rob you of the time where you can enjoy life with the money you earned, spending time by yourself or your loved ones. One is always on the go when driven by such a powerful commodity. So it is important to understand where to draw the line, not overwork and drain yourself in the process and use it for good purposes.
Thank you.
Short Speech on Money
For students in grades 4-7, this format of a short and brief speech is helpful, as this money speech is easy to convey using simple words.
Good morning everyone, I am here to speak on the topic of money. Money is one of the most important reasons which divides society into different classes. It is just a commodity to be exchanged for purchases, but it seeps into so much more deep-rooted ideas and ways of living.
When one possesses lots of it, they are the rich and upper class who can live an extravagant life and can fulfill their desires and dreams due to the easy access and availability of resources. And they lead a very privileged life.
Whereas the middle-class man and a middle-class family must be very diligent in saving up for the future, like for the education of their children, and invest their hard-earned money very cautiously. It is a hard life to tread when you lie in the middle of problems, and you cannot afford to even get out of it.
The lower-class who have only a bare minimum to get by the day and have no access to quality education or good food, live in very unhygienic places like slums toil extremely hard to earn a basic minimum wage.
This class difference in different communities creates a division in many things that is necessary for a good life. The rich have access to fine food, and the poor are only able to afford 1-2 meals a day. Everything divides these communities, in aspects of the school, food, home, vehicle, health because many poor children are facing the issue of malnutrition and the most crucial are better healthcare facilities. To support their families, children start working and the illegal practice of child labour increases.
There are a few organizations that try to help these underprivileged societies. This is a never-ending fight, but the gap only seems to be increasing.
Thank you.
Speech on Money in 150 words
Set 1:
Good morning, a warm welcome to everyone present here. Today, I am going to speak about the topic “Money”
Money is defined in a variety of ways. In terms of economics, it is defined as an economic unit that serves as a means of exchange in an economy. Money can be regarded as an item that is commonly accepted as payment for goods and services consumed. The three primary functions of money are the center of its interest. They are 1. The means of exchange: this is the medium through which goods and services are exchanged for money. 2. Unit of account: in economics, this refers to the monetary value of a product or service. 3. The term "store of value" refers to an asset that can be kept for future use and sold at a better price to profit financially.
Thank you.
Speech on Money
Good morning everyone.
I am here to give a speech on Money. None of us can exist in such a competitive society and world without money. We require money to meet our basic needs, such as purchasing food and other basics of life that are impossible to achieve without it. People who are wealthy and own property are regarded as respectable and respected members of society. A poor person, on the other hand, is seen with hatred and no good feelings. Money improves a person's social position and helps him create a positive image. We all want to get rich by making more money through business, a good job, a good business, and so on so that we can meet all the modern world's expanding needs. However, only a small percentage of people can fulfill their dream of becoming a billionaire. As a result, money is a significant factor in one's life.
Money cannot purchase or stop time, nor can it buy true love and caring. However, it is still required by all to keep life on the proper track. Even though money cannot buy us time or love, it can buy us happiness, confidence, fulfillment, and physical and mental well-being. As a result, we can go about our daily lives with ease and overcome even the most challenging problems.
Thank you.
10 Line Speech on Money
This is helpful for explaining to the students in grades 1-3 to understand in short and simple sentences.
Money is very important for getting the resources useful for living a good life.
It is the commodity used as a means or mode of exchange when in consumption of a product or service.
Everyone needs it, but one has to strive hard to earn, save and grow forward with it.
It can be cash, which is usually a note or coin that is now used as an exchange commodity.
Earlier, the barter system was used and slowly gold and silver coins were introduced leading up to today.
One must have enough to survive with the access and availability of basic resources like food, clean water and shelter.
To have a better life with good healthcare, schooling, and luxuries, one must possess a lot of it.
One who has more holds a lot of power and commands respect from others in society.
Money need not necessarily be directly proportional to happiness, but it sure does give you the means to fulfill your dreams and desires.
It has to be smartly invested for it to be of help in this ever-increasing expense of the world.
FAQs on Speech on Money: The Role of Money in Society and Life
1. What is the need to save money?
After basic essentials such as food, shelter, and clothing, money is by far the most important thing required. The fact that you need to save money for future crises, business troubles, travel, any type of emergency, achieving a long-cherished dream, or anything else should not be forgotten. Money is a cherished treasure, though its value is subjective. Regardless, it is required in every next step, and to do so, you must prioritize your needs and understand how important savings are in securing the future. So, it is important to save money.
2. What are the things to keep in mind while giving a speech?
There are certain things that you need to keep in mind while giving a speech:
Make direct eye contact with your audience to connect with them and give them the impression that you're speaking directly to them.
Stick to the time limit and be concise and tight without diverting from the topic.
To draw your audience into your world, use your words to create a picture of your subject.
Try to overcome the fear of lack of confidence.
Always speak slowly and steadily, as this gives the audience more time to absorb and remember information.