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Revised CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus 2024-25

Last updated date: 23rd Apr 2024
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Revised Computer Science Syllabus 2024-25 for CBSE Class 12

In the revised syllabus for CBSE class 12 computer science 2024-25, the following topics have been removed from the syllabus of 2024-25:


Unit Number

Name of Unit

Topic Name

Unit I

Computational Thinking and Programming

  • Recursion

  • Idea of efficiency

  • Data-structures

Unit II

Computer Networks

  • Web Scripting Client-side

  • Payment purchases via e-commerce using online banking, mobile banking, payment applications, and services.

Unit III

Database Management





  • SET



Class 12, the final, culminating year of a student’s school life, is the most rigorous year that there is. From the beginning of the year, the first thing we hear every day throughout class 12 is that we have our exams coming soon - first the midterms, then the final exams with the full syllabus, then the two sets of pre-boards, and then finally our board exams. It seems as though the exams never end once we reach Class 12 until we graduate and leave school to move on to college.

Understanding this, and especially understanding the rigour that Class 12 Computer Science students go through, Vedantu has put together the syllabus of Computer Science Class 12 on this page. This is alongside several other syllabi for other subjects, too, which can be found easily on the Vedantu website using a simple search. This has been done in the hopes that students will find the presence of the syllabus helpful and useful in their process of studying.

Syllabus of Computer Science Class 12

It is important to remember your concepts from Class 11 Computer Science well when diving into your Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus. This is because Class 11 Computer Science acts as a way for students to develop a base in the subject, and in Class 12, this base is built upon or carried forward.


The Following is What the Computer Science Syllabus for Class 12 CBSE looks like:

Unit 1: Programming and Computational Thinking - 2 (PCT-2)

  • Revising Python

  • Functions

  • File handling

  • Using Python libraries

  • Recursion

  • Idea of efficiency

  • Data visualisation using Pyplot

  • Data structures

Unit 2: Computer Networks (CN)

  • Structure of a network

  • Network devices

  • Network stack

  • IP addresses

  • TCP

  • Protocols

  • Basic network tools

  • Application layer

Unit 3: Data Management-2 (DM-2)

  • Writing a minimal Django based web application

  • Interface Python with an SQL database

  • SQL commands

Unit 4: Practical Component

  • Programming in Python

  • Data Management in SQL and web-servers

  • Project work (coding)


Detailed Overview of Each Unit:

Unit wise details of the complete course of class 12th computer science are given below in brief:

Unit I:

  • Revision of python basics studied in class 11th.

  • Scope and usage of functions involving tuples, list, default and positional parameters, passing parameters, libraries, return values, and more.

  • Handling and types of files.

  • Basic operations are performed on text files like open, close, manipulate, read data and append into a text file along with absolute and relative paths.

  • Basic operations performed on binary files open, close, read, search, write and use csv.reader() and csv.writerow() functions.

  • Importing libraries using python

  • Data structures like lists and stacks, including push and pop.

Unit II:

  • ARPANET and Internet about the evolution of networking.

  • Terminologies used in data communication like bandwidth, data transfer rate, and concept of a channel.

  • Twisted pair cable, coaxial cable, optical fibre, microwave, radio, infrared, and satellite link used as transmission media.

  • Introduction and types of network topologies.

  • Network protocols, mobile telecommunication technologies and mobile processors.

  • Protocols for video conferencing and chats.

  • Concept of network security.

  • Web services like WWW, HTML, XML, http, URL  and domain names.

  • Websites, web hosting, web browser and web 8 servers.


Unit III:

  • Concept of the database.

  • Relational data model including the concept of domain, tuple, relation, attribute, degree and cardinality

  • Types of keys (primary, foreign, candidate and alternate)

  • Concept, advantage, data manipulation and definition language in Structured Query Language (SQL).

  • Types of data (number, character, decimal, varchar, varchar 2 and date)

  • Revision of SQL commands you studied in class 11th.

  • Equi-join and natural join.

  • The interface of python with an SQL database.


The following is the weightage breakdown of the CBSE Computer Science paper in Class 12:

Class 12 CBSE Computer Science Syllabus - Weightage Marks

Theoretical Paper

70 marks

Practical/Internal Assessment

30 marks


100 marks


The Following is a Unit Wise Breakdown of the Theory Paper of Class 12 Computer Science:

Unit 1: Programming and Computational Thinking - 2 (PCT-2)

40 marks

Unit 2: Computer Networks (CN)

10 marks

Unit 3: Data Management-2 (DM-2)

20 marks


70 marks


The Following is the Breakdown of the Internal Assessment:

Lab Test

Python programming

7 marks

10 marks

Python programme with SQL database query

3 marks

Report File

7 marks

Viva-voce based on the report file

2 marks


8 marks

Viva-voce based on project

3 marks


30 marks


Practical Details About Class 12th Computer Science Syllabus:

Computer science practical exams for class 12th (CBSE Board) have been designed in the following manner:



Marks Distribution (Total=30)

Marks for 1st term (Total=15)

Marks for 2nd term (Total = 15)

Lab Test


Programs on Python language





Questions on SQL queries




Report File


15 python programs based on term 1 syllabus.





3 python programs on term 2 syllabus


5 sets of SQL queries.


2 programs on python-SQL connectivity


Project must be based on the concepts learnt in class 11 and 12. (Synopsis to be submitted in term I and final coding in term II)










Outcomes of the Syllabus:

Class 12th Computer science syllabus is designed in such a way that the students are able to:

  • Get in-depth knowledge about the basics of computer networks.

  • Use data structures like stacks and queues.

  • Handle simple python programs with ease.

  • Understand and explain algorithm and computing efficiency.

  • Use SQL and connect it with python programs.

  • Handle files on a computer system with ease.


Class 12th Computer Science Syllabus - Benefits

The following are the benefits of the Class 12th Computer Science syllabus of CBSE:

  • The syllabus which has been provided here is the latest syllabus as per the most recently updated curriculum presented by the CBSE board.

  • The syllabus is well written and highly detailed so that students need not remain confused about any of the topics.

  • The syllabus is in a downloadable form and, thus, it is easy to access.

FAQs on Revised CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus 2024-25

1. What is the Project Work in the CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus?

The project work which is part of the Computer Science Syllabus for Class 12 is a class project which requires group work which aims for students to create something original and useful. This project requires students to look out for a real-life problem faced by the world and think of a possible solution for it, and then create a user-friendly application, game, software, etc. that shall be programmed to solve that problem as best as it can be solved. This kind of project requires students to not only think, but to also do some extra learning for the same in their own time. The project must have a minimum of 500 lines of code and there is a strict rule against plagiarism.

2. What is the Marks Weightage in the Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus?

The Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus is divided into the theory component for 70 marks and the practical component for 30 marks, adding up to a total of 100 marks.

The theory paper includes the following units:

  1. Programming and Computational Thinking - 2 (PCT-2) - 30 marks

  2. Computer Networks (CN) - 15 marks

  3. Data Management-2 (DM-2) - 15 marks

  4. Society, Law and Ethics-2 (SLE-2) - 10 marks

The practical component includes the following units:

  1. Lab test only Python - 7 marks

  2. Lab test Python with SQL queries - 3 marks

  3. Report file - 7 marks

  4. Viva voce (report file) - 2 marks

  5. Project - 8 marks

  6. Viva voce (project) - 3 marks.

3. What all programs have been removed from the revised course of CBSE Class XII Computer Science?

The following are a few python programs that the CBSE board has removed from the Class XIIth computer science course:

  • Write a program to find the factorial of a natural number recursively.

  • Write a program to generate a recursive code to find the sum of all elements of a list.

  • Write a program to generate a recursive code to compute the nth Fibonacci number.

4. How can we download the CBSE Class 12th Computer Science Syllabus?

Follow the steps given below to download the revised computer science syllabus of 2024-25 for CBSE Class XIIth:

  • Visit Vedantu.

  • Go and Click on 'Study Material.' 

  • Click to CBSE and search for CBSE Syllabus under the same header!

  • Now, you can select your class, such as the Class 12th Syllabus, and check out all the latest updates regarding the syllabus.

5. What tips should one keep in mind while preparing for CBSE Class 12 Computer Science?

Following are some relevant tips that one should keep in mind to pass exams with flying colours:

  • Go through the complete syllabus and highlight the most important topics.

  • Solve previous year question papers of class XII to get accustomed to the examination pattern and marking scheme. This will also increase your speed and accuracy during examinations.

  • Practice programming and SQL queries as much as you can to avoid any silly mistakes during the examination.

6. What type of python programs can be asked during the practicals of class XIIth Computer Science?

Here is a list of python programs that can be asked during the practical examination of the CBSE Class XII Computer Science examination:

  • Write a program in python to implement a queue and stack using a list data structure.

  • Create and input a binary file with the name, roll no and marks of students.

  • Write a program to generate random numbers between 1 and 6.