Download Free PDF of RD Sharma Class 12 Solutions Chapter 21 - Areas of Bounded Regions (Ex 21.1) Exercise 21.1 from Vedantu
FAQs on RD Sharma Class 12 Solutions Chapter 21 - Areas of Bounded Regions (Ex 21.1) Exercise 21.1
1. How are bounded regions measured in RD Sharma Class 12 Solutions Chapter 21?
The area of bounded regions could be measured by using two graphs. Within the two curves, the area is found as well as the functions of difference are integrated. When functions of the graphs cross, or in case the region remains complex, the user can make use of the absolute value of the difference of the functions. This is how the bounded regions in Class 12. For this, the students are required to stay clear of the concept in their mind, otherwise, they will face hassle.
2. What is the difference between bounded area and bounded region in RD Sharma Class 12 Solutions Chapter 21?
RD Sharma Class 12 Solutions Chapter 21, the difference can be described between a bounded area and a bounded region. A bounded area by two curves is known as the area under a smaller curve which is subtracted from an area under a larger curve. With this, the student can obtain the difference or area between two curves. If we talk about an abounded (type) region, then it is a function of the region of a complex plane. In case, it has a similar ratio of two analytical functions, then a function is called a bounded type in a region.
3. Is RD Sharma Class 12 Solutions Chapter 21 - Areas of Bounded Regions (Ex 21.1) Exercise 21.1 tough to resolve?
As shared by some students regarding resolving RD Sharma Class 12 Solutions Chapter 21 - Areas of Bounded Regions (Ex 21.1) Exercise 21.1, it is moderate to difficult. They also shared that it all depends on the clarity of the related concepts such as bounded or unbounded regions, bounded areas, etc. If all the terms are clear in mind, then mathematics is going to be simple. Remember that do not try to embrace any sort of shortcuts as it will not take you anywhere but towards the confusion.
4. Why should I go to Vedantu to download the PDF of RD Sharma Class 12 Solutions Chapter 21 - Areas of Bounded Regions (Ex 21.1) Exercise 21.1?
There is not a single reason that comes in support of Vedantu to download RD Sharma Class 12 Solutions Chapter 21 - Areas of Bounded Regions (Ex 21.1) Exercise 21.1. The exercises of the entire chapter have been formatted as per the latest syllabus. Plus, the language of the chapter’s exercises is kept easy to comprehend. In addition to this, the PDF is available in printable formats so that the students can read it even when they are not in front of the screen.
5. Is it free to download RD Sharma Class 12 Solutions Chapter 21 - Areas of Bounded Regions (Ex 21.1) Exercise 21.1 PDF from Vedantu?
Yes, you can download RD Sharma Class 12 Solutions Chapter 21 - Areas of Bounded Regions (Ex 21.1) Exercise 21.1 from Vedantu for free of cost. Vedantu only charges for the special analysis as per the particular demand of the students. Apart from this, the PDF and practising worksheets remain free to be accessed. Moreover, the students only have to register themselves via Vedantu’s web portal or its mobile application. Hence, keep accessing Vedantu for scoring the best marks in your examination.