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Urea, the first organic compound was synthesized in laboratory by
A. Hofmann
B. Riemer
C. Thomson
D. Wohler

Last updated date: 17th May 2024
Total views: 386.1k
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Hint: In the given question the first organic urea synthesis in the laboratory by which the scientist is asked. As urea has two amine groups \[\left( {N{H_2}} \right)\]bonded to carbonyl $(C = O)$ functional group. Urea is formed in solid form. It has a melting point of $132.7^\circ C $.

Complete answer:
First organic urea was synthesized by inorganic compounds, that is actually dispelled by the scientist and urea was formed. As scientists were experimenting to form ammonium cyanate but mistakenly formed a new organic compound that is now known as urea.
Scientists take silver cyanate and react it with ammonia and water and expect that it results into a rearranging form of ammonia cyanate. But it does not occur, the ammonia decomposes, and forms ammonia and cyanic acid which undergoes a reaction and urea is formed along with by product.
$AgOCN + N{H_4}Cl \to {(N{H_4})^{\;2}}CO + AgCl$
German Scientist named Friedrich Wohler accidently synthesized urea in the laboratory by using inorganic compounds ammonium cyanate.

Thus, Option D is correct.

Additional information:

It plays the most important role in the metabolism of nitrogen containing compounds. Along with that it is used to treat skin in many problems like psoriasis and eczema. Urea can remove dead tissue which leads to the wound healing process. Due to this reason it is known as keratolytic.

Urea is also known as carbamide. It has so many uses. Most importantly after used in fertilizers, urea can be used in reducing air pollution which is emitted by car and bus engines.

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