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Tranquilizers are neurologically active drugs and affect the message transfer mechanism.
If this is true enter 1, is false enter 0.

Last updated date: 08th May 2024
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Hint: The main aim behind the creation of tranquilizers was to develop a drug as a treatment for anxiety, fear, tension etc., In order to know the effect of tranquilizers we need to know the composition and the consequences it will be having on consumption.

Complete step-by-step answer:
The idea of creation of a drug which can treat the problems of anxiety, fear, agitation, and disturbances in mind, especially to reduce the neurological stress of problems, led to the development of an active drug known as tranquilizers.
Tranquilizers work through calming the patient’s nervous system and have many of the same effects as alcohol. The basic structure of a tranquilizer is given below:
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Tranquilizers function by modifying certain nerve communications in our central nervous system (CNS) to the brain. In this case, this will relax the body by slowing down brain activity. Major tranquilizers are used to treat mental disorders, such as schizophrenia. These are also referred to as antipsychotics.

Examples of some common tranquilizers are Valium, Ativan, Xanax, Imovane etc.

Thus, we can say that tranquilizers are neurologically active drugs and affect the message transfer mechanism. Therefore, the statement is true, so we have to enter 1.

Note: Tranquilizers can be both effective as well as beneficial. Tranquilizers can seem reasonable to consume that some of these drugs are safer than others, they all have the potential to cause dependence and addiction if misused.
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