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The reaction can be classified as:
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A) Williamson ether synthesis reaction
B) Alcohol formation reaction
C) Dehydration reaction
D) Williamson alcohol synthesis reaction

Last updated date: 16th Jun 2024
Total views: 382.2k
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Hint: The ‘Me’ group used is the reaction is the methyl group. As we can see that the product formed in the reaction is not an alcohol so straightaway, we can say that this is not an alcohol formation reaction and nor is it a dehydration reaction as no water molecule is being released.

Complete answer:
According to our question, the correct answer is Williamson ether synthesis reaction as it involves the treatment of sodium alkoxide with a suitable alkyl halide to form ether. Here we see that cyclopentanol reacts with sodium hydride to form sodium salt of cyclopentolate. After that it reacts with methyl iodide to form an ether named methylcyclopentane.
 Williamson Ether Synthesis usually takes place by a \[{S_N}2\] reaction mechanism where we see that a primary alkyl halide reacts with an alkoxide ion. \[{S_N}2\] Pathway is required for the synthesis of this reaction. The alkyl halide is usually primary or secondary. The Ethers delivered in this manner have more carbon ions than both of the beginning materials and accordingly are more perplexing structures.
Therefore, the correct answer is option A.

Note: Alkoxide ions are good nucleophiles and displace halide ions from alkyl halides resulting in the formation of a new carbon oxygen bond. Alkoxide is produced by treatment of alcohols with either a base or an alkali metal. This method is considered the best for the preparation of ethers.