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The combination of two or more cells is called a ---- (battery, ammeter).

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
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Hint:The cells undergo the chemical reaction in the solution to produce the current and hence they are regarded as the source of the electrical energy. Battery is the kind of device that is also the source of the electricity and the ammeter is the device that is used to measure the current flows in a circuit.

Complete step by step answer:
The cells are the basic building block that acts as the source of the electrical energy. Both the cells and the batteries are the source of energy, but the batteries are formed when there are two or more cells combined. The capacity of the battery mainly depends on the number of cells it has.
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If the battery has more cells in it, then the capacity and the energy production of the battery will also be high. But the device ammeter does not produce energy, rather it measures the amount of the electrical energy that current flows through the circuit in which it is connected. The ammeter reading depends on the current from the battery or the cells and it is not the joining of two or more cells.

Thus the correct answer is battery.

Note:The batteries are heavy when compared to the cells, since they contain more number of cells. The cells are classified into the wet cells, dry cells and the molten cells but the batteries are classified into two types as primary and the secondary. The cells are able to provide energy less and only for a short period of time, so these cells are combined to form batteries to produce more energy.
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