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What is the meaning of “vital force theory” in organic chemistry?

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
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Hint: A vital force theory is basically based on the origin of organic compounds from living organisms. This theory is considered as an assumption theory which says that organic compounds are formed only in living cells and it is not possible to prepare them in laboratories.

Complete answer:
Let us understand completely about the vital force theory. Vital force theory is the theory which was made by the Scientist Berzelius in 1809. According to this theory, the organic compounds must have their origin in living organisms and it is impossible to synthesize them in the laboratories from the inorganic compounds. It was assumed that a vital force is responsible for the formation of organic compounds. This vital force or the spiritual force is called God.
In other words, this theory postulated as it takes a great power given by God to prepare organic compounds. This great power is called a vital force.
Berzelius defined this theory in 1815, and gave three principles.
Synthesis of organic compounds requires a vital force. This vital force is called God.
The organic compound cannot be synthesized from the inorganic compound in the laboratory. They were only made through the power of God.
The organic compounds have their origin only from living organisms containing this vital force. It is given by God.
There are several experiments done that ended up disproving the vital force theory. This theory was first rejected in 1823 by the Scientist Friedrich Wohler. He synthesized the first organic compound urea from the inorganic compound, Ammonium Cyanate.

It must be remembered that “Vital force theory” was just an assumption theory. Earlier it was believed but today, no such theory exists in reality. It was first disproved when the organic compound urea synthesized in the laboratory from the inorganic compound. Urea is the first organic compound made in the laboratory.