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If III stands for $2,$ IIII for $3,$ and II for $1,$ Solve the following:
$II - IIII + III + IIIII = ?$

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
Total views: 307.5k
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Hint: Roman numerals can be defined as the numeral system which originated in ancient Rome, here numbers are represented with the combinations of the letters from the Latin Alphabet. First of all understand the given correlation between the roman numbers and the natural numbers and place the values in the given expression and simplify for the value. Again replace the number in the form of the roman numbers.

Complete answer:
Here, given that –
  III = 2 \\
  IIII = 3 \\
  II = 1 \\
Accordingly, we can understand from the pattern is when the roman numbers describe the number then in natural number it is one less.
Now take the given expression$ = II - IIII + III + IIIII$
Place the equivalent values in the above expression –
$ = 1 - 3 + 2 + 4$
Simplify the above expression adding and subtracting the terms-
$ = 4$
Now natural number to roman numbers, we have to add one it gives equal to $IIIII$
Hence, from the given multiple choices – the option C is the correct answer.

Understand the given pattern or the structure between the given data and find the correlation between the two. Be good in basic mathematical operations to find the equivalent expression between the two different patterns such as here the relation between the roman numbers and the natural numbers since it is the basic and important step for the solution. Earlier, Roman numerals were the special kind of numerical notations by the Romans.