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Draw the structure of the monomer for each of the following polymers.
(i) Nylon 6
(ii) Polypropene

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
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Hint: The molecule that bonds to two other identical molecules to form a polymer is known as a monomer. The monomer is the repeating unit of the polymer.Among the above two compounds one is formed with the help of condensation polymerization leading to the synthetic material.

Complete Step by step answer: Nylon 6 is also known as polycaprolactone. Nylon 6 is formed by the ring-opening polymerization of caprolactam. Thus, the monomer of nylon 6 is caprolactam. The amide bond of the caprolactam molecule is broken during the polymerisation reaction.
Nylon 6 is very strong and elastic in nature. It is very tough, easy to wash and dye and is resistant to abrasion. Nylon 6 is used in manufacturing of carpets, hosiery, seat belts, parachutes, hosiery, ropes, etc.
The structure of caprolactum is as follows:
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Nylon-6 is prepared by the ring opening polymerisation of caprolactam. The preparation reaction of nylon-6 is as follows:
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Polypropene is a thermoplastic polymer. It is used in a wide variety of applications like packaging of consumer products, plastics for industries like textiles, automotive, etc. Polypropene is produced by a chain growth polymerization of propylene. Thus, the monomer of polypropene is propylene. Polypropene is produced by the addition of polymerization.
Polypropene is tough, rigid and crystalline in nature. It is a linear hydrocarbon resin. It is used as a fuel gas for chemical and plastic industries.
The structure of propylene is:
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Polypropene is prepared by the polymerisation of propylene gas. The preparation reaction of polypropylene is as follows:
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Note: Caprolactum is an amine. It is bitter and spicy in taste. The main source of caprolactum is sunflower.
Propylene is colourless in appearance. It is also known as methyl ethylene or propene. It is gaseous in nature. It has a pungent smell. It is flammable and non-toxic in nature. The main source of propylene is refining of gasoline.