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DNA differs from RNA in the nature of
(a)Sugar alone
(b)Purine alone
(c)Sugar and pyrimidine
(d)Sugar and purine

Last updated date: 09th May 2024
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Hint: Each nucleotide consists of a heterocyclic base that is connected to a phosphate group through a five-carbon sugar (deoxyribose or ribose). Four separate bases each contain DNA and RNA. Both DNA and RNA contain purines such as adenine (A) and guanine (G) and pyrimidine cytosine ( C).

Complete answer:
DNA differs from RNA because, while RNA has ribose sugar, DNA has deoxyribose sugar. DNA has thymine as pyrimidine, while uracil is substituted for thymine in RNA. Thus, the correct response is 'In the nature of sugar and pyrimidines'
The two molecules have different sugar groups, vary in the kinds of nitrogen bases in each, are discovered in different places, and perform different functions within each cell.
DNA is a long polymer with a phosphate backbone and deoxyribose. Adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine have four distinct nitrogen bases. With a ribose and phosphate backbone, RNA is a polymer. Adenine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil: four separate nitrogen bases.
Ribose has one more -OH group than deoxyribose, which has -H connected to the second (2 ') carbon in the ring, the only distinction between ribose and deoxyribose. A double-stranded molecule is DNA, while a single-stranded molecule is RNA.
In humans, DNA and RNA carry out various roles. DNA is responsible for genetic information storage and transmission, while RNA specifically codes for amino acids and serves as a protein-making messenger between DNA and ribosomes.

Additional Information: DNA may have occurred first, but most scientists agree that RNA emerged before DNA.1 RNA has a simpler structure and is needed for DNA to function. RNA is also present in prokaryotes, which are considered to be followed by eukaryotes. For some chemical reactions, RNA on its own may serve as a catalyst.
The real question is why, if RNA existed, DNA developed. The most possible solution to this is that having a double-stranded molecule helps protect against damage to the genetic code. The other strand will serve as a template for repair if one strand is broken. Additional defense against enzymatic attack is also provided by proteins around DNA.
So, the correct answer is ‘sugars and pyrimidine’.

Note: Probably the most significant molecules in cell biology are deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA), responsible for the storing and reading of genetic material that underpins all existence. Regulate gene expression with RNA molecules- The regulation of protein production from coding genes is the basis for much of the structure, differentiation, and physiology of cells and organisms.
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