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How did the battles of Vicksburg and Gettysburg change the course of the Civil War?

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
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Hint: We need to know that The battle of Gettysburg and The battle of Vicksburg were both fought in\[1863\]. Both these battles marked a turning point in the Civil War. A collection of eleven southern states that left the Union in \[1860\]and \[1861\]fought the American Civil War. \[1863\]was the mid-year in the war duration and the war ended in\[1865\].

Complete answer:
1. The battle of Gettysburg: Robert Lee planned to invade the north. He hoped to cross the Potomac River from Virginia and pass through the border state of Maryland. The plan failed. Had the plan succeeded, Lee and his army could have captured the nation's capital. The civil war continued for around two years but after Gettysburg, it was fought on the southern ground.
2. In \[1863\], the grant's army approached Vicksburg. Many Union soldiers lost their lives. They were bombed continuously and the entire city strived to death. The condition in the city deteriorated every day and the Confederates had had enough and finally, General Pemberton surrendered to Grant.
3. Both, the battle of Gettysburg and the battle of Vicksburg changed the course of the civil war. The power was now in the hands of the Union. The battle of Vicksburg gave control over the Mississippi River. The Confederate army under General Lee was defeated at Gettysburg. These two victories marked a major turning point in the civil war. The entire war went in favor of the Union.

Note: We need to remember that the American Civil War was fought from \[1861\]- \[1865\]. In \[1863\], The Union forces captured Confederate cities like Port Haddon and Vicksburg. The Union was winning the Civil War in \[1863\]. The Confederates lost some \[28000\] men while the Union had \[23000\] casualties. The battles in \[1863\] transformed the Union’s purpose of struggle in restoring the Union to ending Slavery.