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What are the advantages and disadvantages of emulsion polymerization as compared to bulk and solution polymerization?

Last updated date: 16th Jun 2024
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Hint : We know that emulsion Polymerization is a process of radical polymerization which involves a monomer, water that incorporates emulsion, and radical polymerization which involves a monomer, water that incorporates emulsion, and surfactant.

Complete Step By Step Answer:
Several monomers combine chemically to form three dimensional networks or a chain of elements, and this process is known as Polymerization. These monomers can be the same or different compounds combining to form a polymer. Besides, for a polymer to exhibit unique characteristics, it should be formed as a result of the combination of a minimum of \[100\]monomers. Usually, one molecule of polymer consists of hundreds and thousands of monomers.
Gives potential for rapid polymerization to yield high molecular weight polymer with low polydispersity. Viscosity of polymer emulsion is much lower than that of straight polymer in the melt phase. Easier to process but also allows production of polymers that are extremely sticky as \[100%\] polymers. Final product can easily be removed from the reactor due to lower viscosity (and can be washed out with water). Continuous phase (water) acts as a heat sink and allows temperature to be much better controlled, avoiding dangerous overheating.
Polymer can easily become contaminated with traces of the emulsifier. This can lead to poor transparency which can often be an important property. Unless the finished polymer is to be supplied as an emulsion, the final stage requires coagulation and removal of the aqueous phase. This can generate very large amounts of water - not necessarily a disadvantage but it does have been adequately treated and disposed of.

Note :
Remember that each type of polymerization has a set of techniques using which the chemical reactions takes place for the formation of polymers. Here, look at the various polymerization techniques which are used i.e. Solution polycondensation Melt polycondensation