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How are Camels adapted to live in the desert?

Last updated date: 09th May 2024
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Hint: The animals which live in hot climates have specialized feet so that they can easily walk in the desert and have a special structure to store water and food for a longer time so that they can be used in unfavorable conditions.

Complete step by step answer:
Camels have many adaptations that allow them to survive in desert conditions.
- Deserts are very hot and dry. Winds blow sand all around, so it can enter the eyes of Camels. To prevent a camel they have long eyelashes. These long eyelashes help their eyes to be saved from dust and sands.
- One special functioning is seen in Camel i.e its nostrils can open and close, so this prevents dust from entering the nostrils.
- The thick eyebrows which are present help in protecting the eyes of Camel from the very hot sun of the desert.
- A camel can survive at least one week without drinking water, and they can survive for several months without having food. At a single time, a Camel can drink up to 46 liters of water so that they don't need water frequently.
- It is usually misunderstood by many of us that Camels store both fat and water in the hump but Camels only store fat in the hump, not water. The fat can be metabolized for energy when needed.
- Camel's body temperature fluctuates throughout the day which allows the camel to conserve water by not sweating as the environmental temperature rises.
- Camel's feet are wide so that they can walk easily on sand. Their huge feet help them to walk easily on sand without sinking into it.
- Camel's ears are covered with hair both outside and on the inside. The hair helps in keeping out sand or dust that might blow into the camel's ears.

Note: Camels have very different sleeping strategies. They sleep for about six hours per night and they have evolved the ability to sleep standing up, which makes it easier for them to escape from any difficult situation.