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Alfred Wallace worked in
A. Galapagos Island
B. Australian Island Continent
C. Malay Archipelago
D. None of the above

Last updated date: 26th Jul 2024
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Hint:-Alfred Russel Wallace was one of British humanist, naturalist, geographer, and social critic.During the second half of the 19th century, he became a public figure in England, known for his courageous views on science, social, and spiritual topics. His most remarkable legacy is his development of the theory of evolution by natural selection, which predated Charles Darwin's written contributions.

Complete step-by-step solution:-From 1854 to 1862, Wallace spent eight years traveling around the islands in the MalayArchipelago, gathering biological specimens for his own study and for sale, and publishing dozens of scientific papers on mainly zoological subjects.
-Two extraordinary papers dealing with the origin of new species were among these. The first
into existence coinciding with a pre-existing closely allied species."
-Wallace also proposed that new species emerge through evolution and continue differentiation of varieties that are in the battle for existence and may outlive the preceding species.
-He sent a paper detailing these ideas to Darwin in early 1858. Wallaces observation of the
geographical distribution of animals between the islands of the Malay Archipelago offered
valuable evidence for his theories of evolution and led him to formulate what was soon
known as Wallace#39;s Line, the boundary that divides Australia#39;s fauna from Asia#39;s.
-Darwin sailed on the Beagle as the ship's naturalist visited the archipelago of the Galápagosin theeastern Pacific Ocean. There are finches observed, many of the species,distinguishable by differently formed beaks, indicating adaptations to unique diets, which helped him understand evolution.The correct answer is Malay Archipelago, option (C).

-Alfred Russel Wallace published The Malay Archipelago: The Land of the Orang-Utan, and the Bird of Paradise (1869), a highly popular narrative of his journey, and wroteContributions to the Theory of Natural Selection (1870).
-The standard authorities in zoogeography and island biogeography have been Wallaces two-
volume Geographical Distribution of Animals (1876) and Island Life (1880).