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A solution of glucose in water is labeled as $ 10\% w/w $ . What would be the molarity of the solution?

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
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Hint :To answer this question, we first need to understand what is molarity. The amount of a material in a given volume of solution is measured in molarity (M). The moles of a solute per liter of a solution is known as molarity. The molar concentration of a solution is also known as molarity.

Complete Step By Step Answer:
Glucose: Glucose is a simple sugar that is the primary source of energy in the body. Glucose is the major sugar produced by the body and is detected in the blood. The body produces glucose from all three components of food ‘protein, lipids, and crabs’ carbohydrates provide the most glucose.
Through the production of ATP, the foundation for neuronal and non-neuronal cellular maintenance, as well as the production of neurotransmitters, glucose metabolism supplies the fuel for physiological brain function.
Let the weight of solution taken = $ 100g $
So, water = $ 90g $
And glucose = $ 10g $ (as $ 10\% w/w $ given)
As density of water = $ 1g/c{m^3} $
So, volume of water = $ 90c{m^3} $ = $ 90 \times {10^{ - 3}}ltr $
As molecular mass of glucose = $ 192gmo{l^{ - 1}} $
So, moles of glucose = $ \dfrac{{10}}{{192}}mol $
As molarity = moles of glucose / volume of water.
 $ M = \dfrac{{10}}{{192 \times 90 \times {{10}^{ - 3}}}} $
So, by further calculation M = 0.58M.
So, the final answer is 0.58M.

Note :
Only the denominator distinguishes molality from molarity. Molality is based on the kilograms of solvent, whereas molarity is based on the liters of solution. Because its value does not alter with changes in temperature, molality is used. The volume of a solution, on the other hand, is influenced by temperature only minimally.