NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 6 Permutations and Combinations
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 6 Permutations And Combinations Ex 6.1
1. How can we solve class 11 maths chapter 6 permutations and combinations exercise 6.1?
The questions that are included in the first exercise of class 11 maths chapter 6 permutations and combinations are quite simple and can easily be done if the students have clear concepts about factorial notations. The NCERT contains the solved examples for the same that will help you understand the questions. For better conceptual understanding students can look for the NCERT solutions for class 11 maths chapter 6 exercise 6.1 on the Vedantu website.
2. What are permutations and the fundamental counting principle of permutations?
When objects are arranged in a specific order or a set, it is known as permutations. The fundamental counting principle states that if there are 'm' ways for an event to take place and 'n' ways for the other event to take place, then there are m×n ways for both the events to take place. To know more about the permutations and fundamental counting principle students can look out for high quality notes available on the Vedantu website or app.
3. Is NCERT class 11 chapter 6 permutations and combinations exercise 6.1 difficult?
No, the exercise 6.1 of the chapter 6 permutations and combinations is not at all difficult. It only includes questions related to the fundamental counting principle. With a clear conceptual understanding of notations one can easily solve all the questions of that particular exercise. Constant practice will enhance your solving capacity and knowledge about the permutations.
4. Where can I find easy ncert solutions for class 11 chapter 6 permutations and combinations exercise 6.1?
Vedantu provides you with easy and understandable solutions for the first exercise of permutations and combinations. Highly skilled maths teacher at Vedantu prepares these solutions according to the latest pattern and in such a way that a student with no prior knowledge of permutations can also understand the topic while solving the question. The NCERT solutions are available in the pdf format for download.
5. What is the weightage of NCERT exercise 6.1 class 11 maths?
Chapter 6 of class 11 comes under the algebra unit. The overall weightage of the unit is 30 marks. So from the exam point of view every chapter and exercise that comes under the algebra unit is important as skipping it would cause the loss of marks. Permutations and combinations is an easier chapter as compared to other chapters.