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JEE Main - Sets, Relations and Functions Notes (Free PDF Download)

Last updated date: 27th Jul 2024
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Download JEE Main Sets, Relations and Functions Notes with Important Topics and Prepare Efficiently

Prepare effectively for JEE Main by downloading the Sets, Relations and Functions Notes with important topics. These notes, Prepared by our master teachers, simplify complex concepts, highlight key points, and provide important topics. You can download them for free from our website. These comprehensive revision notes condense the essential information you need to know, making your preparation efficient. As you delve into the topics covered, you'll enhance your understanding and be well-prepared for the exam. Get ready to excel in JEE Main with these valuable resources at your disposal.


JEE Main Revision Notes


Text, Images, Videos and PDF


JEE Main

Chapter Name:

Sets, Relations and Functions

Academic Session:



English Medium



Available Material:

Chapter-wise Notes with PDF

The chapter Sets, Relations and Functions discusses about:

  • Sets: Collection of distinct elements, with operations like union and intersection.
  • Relations: Defines connections between elements, such as equivalence and order relations.
  • Functions: Maps elements from one set to another, with injective, surjective, and bijective properties.

Which are some of the key topics for the JEE Main exams. Looking at the old JEE Main question papers, you'll see 3 questions were from this chapter. Take a look at the table for more details.

Year Wise Weightage of Questions: JEE Main Sets, Relations and Functions

Sl. No.


Average No. Of Questions Asked

Marks per Question

Total Marks





















To reach your goals, prepare for your JEE Main 2024 exams using Vedantu’s Sets, Relations and Functions Notes PDF and the JEE Main Chemistry Syllabus 2024.

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JEE Main 2024: Must-ReviseTopics in Sets, Relations and Functions

Let's focus on the key topics you should review in Sets, Relations and Functions. These important topics can make a real difference in your preparation. Mastering them will give you a strong edge in the upcoming exam. Let's dive into the must-revise topics to help you shine in JEE Main 2024.


  • Basics of Sets: Definition, elements, subsets, universal set, and empty set.

  • Set Operations: Union, intersection, complement, difference, and power sets.

  • Venn Diagrams: Representing relationships between sets visually.

  • Cardinality: Counting elements in finite and infinite sets.

  • Set Identities: Laws and properties of set operations.

  • Cartesian Product: Ordered pairs, n-tuples, and applications.


  • Definition of Relations: Cartesian product, ordered pairs, and relation properties.

  • Types of Relations: Reflexive, symmetric, transitive, equivalence, and partial orders.

  • Representing Relations: Matrices, graphs, and directed graphs.

  • Equivalence Relations: Equivalence classes, partitions, and applications.

  • Partial Orders: Hasse diagrams, lattice, and minimal/maximal elements.

  • Combinations of Relations: Composition, inverse, and closure properties.


  • Definition of Functions: Domain, codomain, and range.

  • Types of Functions: One-to-one, onto, and bijective functions.

  • Composite Functions: Combining functions using composition.

  • Inverse Functions: Finding and using inverse functions.

  • Image and Preimage: Understanding the image of a set and preimage of a value.

  • Function Operations: Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division of functions.

  • Graphs of Functions: Plotting graphs, transformations, and asymptotes.

  • Piecewise Functions: Defining functions using different expressions for different domains.


  • Equivalence Relations and Partitions: Applications in number theory and equivalence classes.

  • Partial Orders and Lattices: Representing hierarchies, decision-making, and optimization.

  • Functions in Real Life: Modeling real-world situations using functions.

  • Sets in Probability: Set operations in calculating probabilities.

  • Relations in Graph Theory: Applications in network analysis and connectivity.

These topics are fundamental in understanding Sets, Relations, and Functions and have applications across various fields, including mathematics, computer science, and engineering.

Maths Notes for JEE Main 2024 Chapters: Links Available

Make your JEE Main Maths studying for 2024 even better using our notes organized by chapter. FindThe links in the table below for easy access.

The Significance of Sets, Relations and Functions Notes for JEE Main 2024

The chapter 'Sets, Relations and Functions' explores mathematical concepts related to sets, their relationships, and the functional mappings between them. Here are some key features of this chapter:

Step into the World of Sets:

Discover the power of sets, the building blocks of mathematical wonders! Imagine organizing objects into neat groups - that's what sets do! They're like magical containers where items with common traits come together. From simple numbers to complex concepts, sets lay the foundation for your journey ahead.

Connecting with Relations:

Get ready to dive into the art of relationships! Just like friendships link people, relations link elements of different sets. Explore how they establish connections, be it friends in a social network or temperatures on different days. Relations bring life to patterns and correlations, opening doors to new insights.

Playing with Functions:

Meet the superheroes of math – functions! They're like wizards that transform inputs into outputs. Imagine a machine that turns your favorite ingredients into a delicious dish – that's a function! Functions are everywhere, from calculating speeds to plotting graphs. They're your tools to decode real-world mysteries.

Interactive Learning Zone:

  • Sets Sorcery: Engage in fun challenges where you sort colorful objects into sets. Marvel at the magic of set operations like union and intersection. Are you up for the set-matching game? Time to embrace the set adventure!

  • Relations Riddles: Crack the code of relations with intriguing puzzles. Match animals to their habitats and see how relations mirror the world around you. Can you find patterns in a sequence? Get ready to be a relations detective!

  • Functions Fiesta: Dive into a carnival of functions! Experiment with inputs and watch how outputs change. Explore linear, quadratic, and exponential functions through playful activities. Ever seen a function rollercoaster? Brace yourself for a thrilling graph ride!

Why Explore this Chapter?

  • Brain-Boosting: Sets, relations, and functions enhance your logical thinking and problem-solving skills, not just for JEE Main but life itself.

  • Real-World Relevance: Understanding relationships and functions helps you interpret data, make predictions, and make sense of the world around you.

  • Graphical Insight: Functions come alive on graphs. They're like visual storytellers, revealing trends and insights that numbers alone can't capture.

Study Tips for Success:

  • Engage: Interact with the content through games, puzzles, and real-life examples.

  • Practice: Solve a variety of problems to build confidence and mastery.

  • Connect: Relate sets, relations, and functions to real-world situations for better understanding.

Your JEE Main Journey Starts Here!

Dive into the world of sets, relations, and functions – your passport to solving mathematical mysteries and conquering JEE Main challenges. Get ready to unveil patterns, decode relationships, and master functions. Adventure awaits! 

Strategic Approach: Maximizing Learning with Formulas and Revision Notes

When you want to learn effectively, you can use a smart strategy by combining formulas and revision notes. These two things work together nicely. Formulas are like short explanations of important ideas. When you use them with detailed revision notes, you get a complete way to learn. Revision notes give you a strong base, and formulas help you understand better and solve problems. This mix makes hard things easier and helps you remember better. By using this strategy, you can improve how well you understand and do well in your studies.

Most Important Formulas of Sets, Relations and Functions for JEE Main


  1. Union of Sets:

$A \cup B = \{x: x \in A \text{ or } x \in B\}$

  1. Intersection of Sets:

$A \cap B = \{x: x \in A \text{ and } x \in B\}$

  1. Complement of a Set:

$A' = \{x: x \notin A\}$

  1. Set Difference:

$A - B = \{x: x \in A \text{ and } x \notin B\}$

  1. Cartesian Product:

$A \times B = \{(a, b): a \in A, b \in B\}$


  1. Cartesian Product of Sets A and B:

$A \times B$

  1. Domain of a Relation R:

$\text{dom}(R) = \{x : (x, y) \in R \text{ for some } y\}$

  1. Range of a Relation R:

$\text{ran}(R) = \{y : (x, y) \in R \text{ for some } x\}$

  1. Identity Relation:

$I_A = \{(a, a): a \in A\}$

  1. Inverse of a Relation R:

$R^{-1} = \{(b, a): (a, b) \in R\}$


  1. Function Definition:

$f: A \to B$

  1. Injective (One-to-One) Function:

$f(x_1) = f(x_2) \implies x_1 = x_2$

  1. Surjective (Onto) Function:

$\text{ran}(f) = B$

  1. Bijective Function:

A function that is both injective and surjective.

  1. Composition of Functions:

$(g \circ f)(x) = g(f(x))$

Download the JEE Main Maths Formulas by Vedantu for FREE. Combine it with JEE Main Notes, and you can see the good changes in your scores.

Next Steps: Further Resources for JEE Main 2024 Sets, Relations and Functions

Ready to take your JEE Main 2024 Sets, Relations and Functions preparation up a notch? Delve into these crucial resources:

  • Practice Papers: Hone your skills with targeted practice.

  • MockTests: Simulate exam conditions and boost your confidence.

  • Sample Papers: Familiarize yourself with the question patterns.

  • Previous Year Question Papers (PYQPs): Gain insights into the exam's structure and trends.

Combine these resources to refine your understanding and exam-taking abilities. Elevate your performance for JEE Main 2024!

Here are the links for the additional resources of JEE Main 2024:

Get Ahead in your Exams with Vedantu’s JEE Main Notes

In your journey towards exam success, Vedantu's Sets, Relations and Functions JEE Main Notes are your trusted companion. Our unique approach, combining expert guidance and student-friendly resources, sets us apart. With comprehensive revision notes at your fingertips, complex concepts become clear and preparation becomes more efficient. What's more, These valuable resources are available to you as FREE PDFs. Trust Vedantu to help you stride confidently towards acing your exams. Elevate your learning experience, simplify your studies, and embrace excellence with Vedantu.

FAQs on JEE Main - Sets, Relations and Functions Notes (Free PDF Download)

1. What are the most important topics included in Sets, Relations and Functions Notes for JEE Main 2024?

The following crucial subjects are covered in the Sets, Relations and Functions Notes for JEE Main 2024:


  • Basic Set Operations

  • Venn Diagrams

  • Set Theory and Properties

  • Cardinality and Counting of Elements in Sets

  • Laws of Set Theory

  • Subsets and Power Sets

  • Universal Set and Complement of a Set

  • De Morgan's Laws


  • Types of Relations: Reflexive, Symmetric, Transitive

  • Equivalence Relations

  • Partial Orders and Posets

  • Representation of Relations using Matrices and Digraphs

  • Equivalence Classes and Partitioning

  • Composition of Relations

  • Inverse Relations

  • Functions as Relations


  • Domain and Range of Functions

  • Types of Functions: One-to-One, Onto, Bijective

  • Composite Functions

  • Inverse Functions

  • Graphs of Functions

  • Operations on Functions

  • Piecewise Defined Functions

  • Functional Equation

2. What is the weightage of Sets, Relations and Functions Notes for JEE Main 2024?

The weightage of the Sets, Relations and Functions chapter in JEE Main 2024 is around 17.9%. This means that there are typically 4-5 questions asked from this chapter.

3. Which is the easiest topic of JEE Main 2024 Sets, Relations and Functions Notes?

The concept of 'Sets' is often considered one of the easiest topics within the JEE Main syllabus for Sets, Relations, and Functions. It involves the understanding of collections of elements and their properties, which can be relatively straightforward to grasp. However, it's important to thoroughly practice problems to reinforce your understanding.

4. How much time is required to prepared for JEE Main 2024 Sets, Relations and Functions Notes?

The amount of time needed to prepare for JEE Main 2024 Sets, Relations and Functions Notes depends on your familiarity with the concepts, study habits, and practise attempts. A few weeks of consistent study, involving active reading, problem-solving, and revision, should provide a solid foundation on average. However, it is critical to adjust your study schedule to your learning rate and set aside enough time for thorough comprehension and practise.

5. Where can I get other materials to supplement the JEE Main 2024 Sets, Relations and Functions Notes?

Vedantu's website contains additional materials to help you prepare for JEE Main 2024 Sets, Relations and Functions. These tools provide practise papers, video lectures, interactive quizzes, and conversations to supplement your JEE Main materials, improving your comprehension and exam readiness.

6. How can I make my own JEE Main Sets, Relations and Functions notes?

Here are some tips on how to make your own JEE Main Sets, Relations and Functions notes:

  • Start by reading your textbook or a good online resource on Sets, Relations and Functions.

  • Take notes on the important concepts and formulas.

  • Organize your notes in a way that makes sense to you.

  • Add diagrams and illustrations to help you understand the concepts.

  • Practice solving problems from your notes

7. What is Sets, Relations and Functions in the context of JEE Main 2024?

In the context of JEE Main (Joint Entrance Examination - Main), Sets, Relations, and Functions are fundamental concepts in mathematics. Sets involve collections of elements, relations define connections between elements, and functions establish mappings between input and output values. A solid grasp of these concepts is essential for solving problems across various disciplines in the JEE Main exam.

8. Are there any common mistakes students make in Sets, Relations and Functions problems?

Certainly, here are some common mistakes students make in Sets, Relations, and Functions problems:

  • Confusion between terms like subset, proper subset, element, and set equality.

  • Not recognizing that every function is a relation, but not every relation is a function.

  • Incorrectly assuming that if $\bar{a}$ is related to $\bar{b}$ and $\bar{b}$ is related to $\bar{c}$, then $\bar{a}$ must be related to  $\bar{c}$.

  • Failing to specify the domain and codomain when defining a function or relation.

  • Confusing the concepts of injective (one-to-one) and surjective (onto) functions.

  • Assuming that every function has an inverse, without considering conditions like subjectiveness.

  • Using values outside the domain when evaluating functions or relations.

  • Misrepresenting relationships between sets using Venn diagrams.

  • Not using correct symbols (e.g., ∪, ∩, ⊆, etc.) when working with sets.

  • Forgetting to check whether a relation is reflexive or symmetric when required.