Introduction to SITEEE Exam Pattern
Knowing the SITEEE Exam Pattern can prove to be really helpful for you is you wish to crack the entrance examination. In this article, we will be discussing the exam pattern that the SITEEEE follows.
You can have a look at the following article to prepare for the forthcoming examination.
The Basics of the SITEEE Exam Pattern:
Here, we have jotted down all the basics points you need to know about the SITEEE Exam Pattern before you appear for the examination Reading this will help you understand how the entrance examination is conducted, so read on:
The SITEEE 2020 will be conducted online in a computer-based mode
You will be asked 100 multiple choice questions
Each question will carry 2 marks
200 marks are allotted for the entire paper
No marks will be deducted for wrong answers
Questions will be asked from Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics
25 questions will be asked for Physics, 50 questions for Mathematics and 25 for Chemistry
The duration of the examination is 1 hour and 30 minutes
SITEEE Exam Syllabus:
Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics are your topics for the SITEEE 2020 examination
The syllabus for the entrance examination will comprise of the 10+2 standard or equivalent qualifying examination syllabus
The final syllabus will be released by the examination authorities on the official website.
Before delving into preparing for the examination please check the SITEEE 2020 syllabus to prepare a better study plan. The website will give you a detailed insight into the syllabus you need to follow for the entrance examination.
Tips for you to Follow for the SITEEE Exam Pattern:
Be well acquainted with the SITEEE entrance syllabus
Keep on revising your topics for the upcoming examination
Don’t lose your calm
Keep your focus fixed
Don’t panic
Learn time management. It will help you in the examination
You can follow previous years’ questions to get an idea about what kinds of questions are asked
Assess your progress by solving sample papers
Since the examination will have a limited time for you to finish the paper, increase your writing speed
Make sure to keep your answer paper neat
The examination authorities have set a separate number of seats reserved for various categories of the applying candidates. You can have a look below:
Category Wise Reservation Chart for SITEEE 2020:
The following chart depicts the number of seats reserved for each branch of course offered to the applying candidates:
The Number of Seats Available of SITEEE 2020:
Here are the dates that are important for you if you aspire to appear for SITEEE 2020:
Important Dates You Need to Know for SITEEE 2020:
FAQs on SITEEE Exam Pattern 2023-24
Q1. Are SIT and SITEEE the Same?
SIT and SITEEE are the same. SITEEE that is the Symbiosis Institute of Technology was previously known as SIT.
Q2: What is the Number of Seats Reserved in the Courses of SITEEE 2022?
The seats reserved are as follows:
Mechanical Engineering- 120 seats
Electronics and Telecommunication- 120 seats
Computer Science- 60 seats
Civil Engineering- 60 seats
Information Technology- 60 seats
Q3: What are the Academic Qualifications Needed to Appear for SITEEE 2022?
Qualifying 10+2 or equivalent exam from a recognized board of education along with passing in Mathematics and Physics as compulsory subjects with either Chemistry/Biology/ Biotechnology/Technical Vocational Subject with a minimum of 45% in aggregate in the 10+2 qualifying examination for General category candidates and 40% in aggregate for reserved categories is a mandate.
Q4. Who Can Sit for SITEEE 2022?
Aspirants of Indian Nationality or Non-Resident Indians /Person of Indian Origin/Foreign Nationals can appear for the SITEEE 2022.