Introduction to Red Bug
Pyrrhocoridae or more commonly known as the red bug or firebug belongs to a family of certain insects that have more than 300 species on the entire planet. The name red bug comes from the red color that they have. These insects are also known as cotton strainers because of the feeding activities that they have to leave certain yellow and brown stains on the cotton leaves. One of the common species that is found in certain parts of Europe is also known as the Velvet bug. In this article, we are going to talk a bit about these bugs so that students can have an idea about them.
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Red Bugs: What is Their Description?
The red beetle has a very distinct description that sets it apart from the other insects in the family. Here we are going to have a discussion about the colour of the bug as well as some of the other characteristics that you need to know about.
The membrane that is present in the forewing has about 1 or 2 cells and from that, about 7-8 veins are popping out. The veins might have some branches that tend to fuse together. This is known as anastomose. There are also some of the main veins that tend to reach the wing margins in the insect and hence give a very peculiar character to the wings. One of the most important things to keep in mind about the flour beetle or the red bug is that they tend to have about 3 tarsal segments in the body.
Some people might find it pretty difficult to separate these insects from some of the other members that are a part of the family Largidae. This is due to the fact that the insects tend to share some characters of the same superfamily as well. However, the edge of the pronotum is present in Largids while it is absent in the red bugs. The Pronotum is basically the first segment of the thoracic region and it is rounded in the Largids. Female largids tend to have an abdominal segment that is separated in the centre. However, the female firebugs and pyrrhocorids don’t have that division in them.
Another one of the main things to know is that the family of Rhopalidae tends to have certain colors that are similar. The only distinction that they have from the pyrrhocorids is the presence of ocelli or simple eyes. This is a feature that is also seen in lygaeids.
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These tiny red bugs also have a scutellum that is triangular in shape and very small in size as well. The antennae of the insects tend to have about 4 different segments. It is usually seen that the 2nd segment of the antennae is pretty longer than the 3rd segment. There is a mouthpart in these insects that tend to resemble a beak and is known as the rostrum. There are about 4 different segments in the rostrum and the tip of the mouth reaches the base of the legs that are in the middle section of the entire body.
There are certain species of red and black beetle that tend to have their wings reduced so that their abdomen is properly visible from above. There are some other distinguishable factors present in these beetles that can only be identified from a microscope.
Under micro-vision, it can be seen that there is a secret gland that is pretty much reduced and is present right in the interior of the mid-thoracic region in the body of the insect. Apart from that, the red ladybug’s colours also have sensory hairs which are known as trichobothria. These hairs are present right on the section of the abdomen in the 3rd to the 6th segment. There are also some hairs that are found in the 7th segment of the abdomen as well.
There is another genus of these insects known as Myrmoplasta and it is typically found in the regions of Africa and some Oriental parts. These insects tend to have an unusual characteristic when it comes to the wings because they are pretty reduced giving it the feeling of an ant. There is a difference in the foreleg morphology between the males and the females of this insect category. Apart from that, some species also tend to have sexual dimorphism too.
You will be able to learn more about the characteristics of these red ladybugs and insects from the article that we have provided for you right here. It is really important that students are familiar with the topic and hence we have decided to provide all sorts of information that will be deemed as essential to the description of the insects in the best way.
Food Habits of the Red-Shouldered Bugs
When it comes to the red flour beetle, there are certain species that tend to feed properly on the fruit seeds that are members of the plants. However, there are some other species that tend to feed properly on the debris of the plants as well as the dead animal matter as well. Some of the species also tend to be pretty predatory in nature. So, it can be said that their food habits tend to differ depending on the species that they belong to. Here is an example to prove the point that we are trying to make.
Raxa Nishidal is commonly known as the predatory species of these insects and they tend to feed on other firebugs and pyrrhocorids in the best way. Apart from that, there are other species such as Antilochus coquebertii that tend to feed on the other species of bugs and insects as well. One common prey of the Antilochus coquebertii is the Dysdercus cingulatus. The food habits of the insect allow them to feed on different bugs and microscopic organisms along with the fruit seeds as well.
It is also to be noticed that there are some other species of insects that tend to feed on the crops as well. There are one such species known as the Dysdercus suturellus which is commonly known as the Southern Cotton bug. These bugs are found in regions of the United States. Apart from that, there is another species known as Dysdercus cingulatus which is typically seen in the cotton crops of tropical Asia. These insects tend to cause some damage to different cotton crops by cutting the fibres as well as the leaves of the plants.
Reproduction Characteristics of Red Bed Bugs
The beetle red species have certain mating habits that help in the process of reproduction. The time period in which they tend to mate ranges between April and May. The diet of these insects will consist of seeds that come from mallows and lime trees as well. So, these insects are also found in the roots of the lime trees for sure.
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The process of mating for the bugs takes about 12 hours and can last 7 days in total. When there is a longer copulation period it means that the males have a proper way of guarding their ejaculation techniques for sure. This is done in order to swerve some competition from the other different types of males in the species.
Habitat of the Red Velvet Bug
The red velvet bug species are mostly distributed all over the world. In fact, it can be said without a doubt that these insects are some of the common species that are found all over the planet Earth. However, the most distribution of these insects happens in the tropical and the subtropical regions as well. We only see some of the species that tend to live in regions with extreme temperature conditions. Apart from that, it is also seen that these insects are common in the regions of the South as well. The wide distribution of the insects allows people to study them in a better way and hence gain some more information about them in the best sense for sure.
When it comes to the habitat of the red pumpkin bugs, it can be said that some of them are found to reside in the low plants that don’t have much height. We also see most of these bugs residing in the cotton plants as well. However, there are some that are pretty much ground-dwelling in the first place. These insects are the ones that tend to feed mostly on the fallen matured seeds and hence don’t have to take residence on the higher plants, to begin with.
It is really important for students to have an idea about the red beetles and the bugs so that they are familiar with the topics and hence have all the important information that they need in order to answer some questions about the bugs in the best way.
FAQs on Red Bug
1. Write a Short Note About the Red Bugs or Red Beetles.
Ans: The red bugs or the red beetles are a part of the family Pyrrhocoridae and are more commonly known as firebugs or cotton strainers. The name firebug comes from the fiery red colour that is seen in the body of the insect. This is a very distinct characteristic that makes it pretty different from the insects of the other species. The insects belonging to this family are also known as cotton strainers. They are given this name due to the fact that they tend to leave certain stains on the cotton plants that are yellow and brown in colour.
2. What are Some of the General Characteristics of the Red Bugs?
Ans: The membrane that is present in the forewing has about 1 or 2 cells and from that, there are about 7-8 veins popping out. There are also some of the main veins that tend to reach the wing margins in the insect and hence give a very peculiar character to the wings. Other members of the family Largidae tend to share some characters of the same superfamily. However, the edge of the pronotum is present in Largids while it is absent in the red bugs. The female firebugs and pyrrhocoridae don’t have that division in the abdominal segment which is seen in the female largids.
3. Write a Note on the Reproductive Habits of the Red Bugs.
Ans: The beetle red species have certain mating habits that help in the process of reproduction. The time period in which they tend to mate ranges between April and May. The diet of these insects will consist of seeds that come from mallows and lime trees as well. So, these insects are also found in the roots of the lime trees for sure. The process of mating for the bugs takes about 12 hours and can last 7 days in total. When there is a longer copulation period it means that the males have a proper way of guarding their ejaculation techniques. This is done in order to swerve some competition from the other different types of males in the species.
4. What are the Food Habits of the Insects That Belong to the Pyrrhocoridae Family?
Ans: One of the most important things to keep in mind about the food habits of the red beetle family is that they tend to differ from other species of insects. Some of them tend to feed on the seeds of the fruit plants. That is one of the main reasons why they tend to live on the ground and feed off the leaves of the plants that have fallen on the ground. There are some other species of insects that tend to feed on the other pyrrhocorids and insects. So, there are different types of bugs belonging to this family that feed on different things, to begin with.
5. What is the Habitat of the Red Bugs or Pyrrhocorids?
Ans: The red velvet bugs are mostly distributed all over the world. In fact, it can be said without a doubt that these insects are some of the common species that are found all over the planet Earth. However, the most distribution of these insects happens in the tropical and the subtropical regions as well. We only see some of the species that tend to live in regions with extreme temperature conditions. Apart from that, it is also seen that these insects are common in the regions of the South as well. The wide distribution of the red bugs allows people to study them in a better way and hence gain some more information about them in the best sense for sure.