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Which of the words in the poem rhyme:
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
(The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe)
a) dreary, weary
b) weak, weary
c) pondered, lore
d) Once, Over

Last updated date: 26th Apr 2024
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Hint: Rhyming words are the words that sound similar or are pronounced the same. The last few letters should be the same in the two words, provided they are pronounced in the same manner.

Complete answer:
From the hint given to us, we know that rhyming words are words that are phonetically similar in nature.
Dreary and weary have the same few letters, that is, ‘-eary’ at the end. They also have a similar pronunciation and thus, are rhyming to each other. Hence, we can say that option A is possibly the correct answer.
Weak and weary do not rhyme with each other as they don’t have similar letters at the end which are pronounced in the same manner. Hence, we can say that option B is not the correct answer.
Pondered and lore are not phonetically similar. They do not have similar constructions too, and thus, are nowhere close to rhyming to each other. Hence, we can say that option C is not the correct answer.
Once and over are not phonetically similar and thus are not rhyming to each other. Hence, we can say that option D is not the correct answer.

Thus, we can conclude that option A, dreary and weary is the correct answer.

Note: We should also know that rhyming words are the words that are usually placed at the end of a clause separated by a comma, in rhymes. One must know the correct pronunciation of the words to be able to answer such questions correctly.