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Which of the following was the organization founded by Poykayil Sree Kumara Gurudevan?
(A) Sree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam
(B) Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham
(C) Pratyaksha Raksha Daiva Sabha
(D) Sree Moolam Praja Sabha

Last updated date: 02nd May 2024
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Hint: This Organization was founded by Poykayil Sree Kumara Gurudevan in the year 1909 in Kerala, India. This organization is also known as a religious protest movement.

Complete step-by-step solution:
Poykayil Sree Kumara Gurudevan was also known as Poykayil Appachan (Born at Eraviperoor, Kerala) was an ideologist and a Dalit activist and a poet. Poykayil Appachan was also the Founder of Pratyaksha Raksha Daiva Sabha. He even made efforts to convince his Christian as well as Hindu Brothers to become members of this religious organization. This organization was introduced in the early 1900’s to fight for the oppressed Dalit Christians. Poykayil Sree Kumara Gurudevan cultivated his ideologies through his songs, poems and speeches which expressed the distress and torment of enslavement. Poykayil Appachan was a social crusader who mixed his knowledge and spirituality for the salvation of the affected Dalit class. He also fought against long going caste discrimination and ill treatment and founded this organization for humanitarianism, kinship and Peace for the world.

Thus, option (C) is correct.

Note: Poykayil Sreekumara Gurudevan first saw discrimination prevailing against the affected class in the Christian Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church and decided to fight against it at the early age of 30. He also met Mahatma Gandhi in 1937 at Neyyattinkara. In the early 1900s, black magic was blindly trusted by the Dalit’s Poykayil Sreekumara to help destroy the superstitious beliefs connected to black magic and the sacrifice of harmless animals. He also bought around 125 acres of land in different parts of Kerala for the use of PRDS.