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Which disease is spread by houseflies?
(A) Dengue fever
(B) Encephalitis
(C) Filariasis
(D) Gangrene

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
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Hint: House flies are the flies that are commonly present in the houses. It belongs to the suborder Cyclorrhapha. These are mainly found in the areas of poor sanitation like the spoiled fruits and vegetables, garbage etc. They transmit many diseases that mainly spread due to the contamination.

Complete answer:
The house flies are the carriers of the many communicable diseases. The legs and the hairs in the body of the flies are the main reason for the transmission of the pathogenic microorganisms from one person to the other. The disease spread by them are typhoid, cholera, gangrene, dysentery etc. Gangrene is the bacteria infection in which it blocks the blood flow and leads to the death of the affected organisms.

This bacterium affects the legs, feet, fingers, arms and also the internal organs of the body like gallbladder. These bacteria attach to the legs and the hairs of the house flies for the transmission of the pathogens. But the other diseases given in this option are not transmitted by the house flies instead they are transmitted by the mosquitoes.

Hence the correct answer is OPTION(D)

Note: The symptoms of gangrene are loss, other sensation or the highest pain in the area affected by the bacterial infection. There will be the redness and the swelling in the affected area. The skin becomes cold, pale and discharges the foul-smelling liquid.