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The various bulbs and other electrical appliances in a house are connected $\_\_\_\_\_\_\_$
A) In a complicated manner
B) In series
C) In parallel
D) Bulbs in series and others in parallel

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
Total views: 393.9k
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Hint: A combination circuit in which every single appliance is independent of other devices. And, supply an equal amount of voltage to every element in the circuit.

Complete answer:
The parallel combination provides the same voltage across every element, as in the parallel they share the same time and neutral wire across them. The parallel combination can control elements individually without making any failure in the device by the result in stopping.

Similarly, suppose we have heavy appliances such as washing machines and other lighter appliances. We can see the washing machine consume more electricity than the iron so in this case the parallel circuit will protect every single device.

But if we connected in series, the equivalent would have them all running the same fairly high constant current and dropping a different amount of voltage depending on the power demand. For calculating the resistance in the appliances we can use ohm’s law for that.

Hence, parallel voltage across the resistor would be the same so even if one appliance is switched on and off, the other will get its needed power. So the option (C) is correct.

Note:A series connection would not allow that to happen and the voltage to each element in parallel would be greatly reduced by the number of elements or device use.