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The term ‘Health’ is defined in many ways. The most accurate definition of the health would be:
a) Health is the state of body and mind in a balanced condition
b) Health is the reflection of a smiling face
c) Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being
d) Health is the symbol of economic prosperity

Last updated date: 16th Jun 2024
Total views: 386.4k
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Hint: The health of a person can be measured by a person’s well-being. A person is categorized to be healthy when the person is from any illness. For some, a person is healthy if his mental and physical health is in good condition.

Complete answer: The most apt definition of health would be a state in which a person has complete social, mental, and physical well being and has no illness present’. this definition of health was given by the world health organization. The nutrition, lifestyle, environmental conditions, and the genetics of a person are considered to be the main pillars of health. If anyone of them is affected then a person may not be categorized as a healthy individual. A balanced nutrient diet makes a person healthy as it contains all the vital nutrients required by the body of the individual. Environmental conditions also affect the health of an individual. If a person is living in a bad environment then they have high chances of getting infected by the diseases or may also have some infection in their body which they may be unaware of. The lifestyle of a person also affects their health as not maintaining a proper hygienic condition may also cause diseases. If the person has their ancestors suffering from a genetic disease then whether the person is infected or is a carrier that individual will be categorized as an unhealthy individual.

So, the answer is ‘Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being’.

Note: A person’s mental health is important as much as physical health is important. Being mentally unfit can take a toll on the physical health of a person as well as can make a small task very hard to perform. So, one should always take care of the mental health and should seek professional help when in need.