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The producers in the ecosystem are generally
A) Green plants
B) Animals
C) Herbivores
D) All of the above

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
Total views: 405.6k
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Hint: The producers are known to be the category of living things that have to produce their own food by the help of sunlight and through a process known to be photosynthesis. These living things don’t need to be dependent on others for their food.

Complete answer:
The living organisms are categorized depending upon the way in which they consume their food. They are mainly categorised in three ways-
Producers, Consumers and Decomposers
Producers are the living organisms that have the ability to feed themselves with the help of sunlight. They are dependent on solar energy mainly for their survival and are independent on other living beings for any consumption. Mainly they are green plants, grass.
Consumers are the living organisms that don’t have the ability to produce food, thus have to feed over other living things. They have to make other organisms as their food. Bear is categorised as a consumer.
Decomposers are the kind of living organisms that have to feed the dead animals or plants. They get their energy from the nutrients of the dead living organisms. One such example of a decomposer is goldsmith beetle.

Thus, from the given options, the only producer can be green plants. Therefore, option A is correct.

Note: Do not get confused to take herbivore as a producer. Herbivores cannot produce food for it and are the living organisms that eat only plants. Some examples of herbivores are deer and koalas.