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The combination of NAND gates shown hereunder are equivalent to
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A) an OR gate and an AND gate respectively
B) an AND gate and a NOT gate respectively
C) an AND gate and an OR gate respectively
D) an OR gate and a NOT gate respectively

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
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Hint: We need to write down the equation of the two circuits in question based on the gates used in it. Then using DeMorgan's theorem we need to simplify both the circuits into one gate for both the circuits. Then we will get the answer.

Formula used: In this solution we will be using the following formula,
DeMorgan’s theorem:
 $\Rightarrow \overline {M.N} = \bar M + \bar N $
 $\Rightarrow \overline {M + N} = \bar M\bar N $

Complete step by step solution:
To solve this circuit, let us write down the circuit equation of the output at C for the first circuit. The output of the first 2 NAND gates will be $ \bar A $ and $ \bar B $ . So the output at C will be,
 $\Rightarrow C = \overline {\bar A + \bar B} $
Using the second identity of the DeMorgan’s theorem with $ M = \bar A $ and $ N = \bar B $ we can rewrite the above equation as:
 $\Rightarrow C = \overline {\overline A } + \overline {\overline B } $
So we get,
 $\Rightarrow C = A + B $
Which corresponds to an OR gate for the first circuit.
Similarly, for the second circuit, we can write the output of the first NAND gate as, $ \overline {A \cdot B} $ . So the output at C can be written as
 $\Rightarrow C = \overline {\overline {AB.} \overline {AB} } $
Using the first identity of the DeMorgan’s theorem with $ M = \overline {AB} $ and $ N = \overline {AB} $ , we can write
 $\Rightarrow C = \overline {\overline {AB} } + \overline {\overline {AB} } $
So we get,
 $\Rightarrow C = AB + AB $
Since the addition (OR) of the two same inputs is equal to the input itself, we have
 $\Rightarrow C = AB $ which corresponds to an AND gate.
Since the first circuit is an OR gate and the second circuit is equivalent to AND gate, the correct choice is option (A).

 We must be familiar with the identities of DeMorgan's theorem to break such circuits down into simpler forms. Alternatively, we can also form a logic table for both the circuits and determine the kind of gates. So, for the first circuit, the logic table would be

Which corresponds to an OR gate.
And the logic table of the second circuit would be

Which corresponds to an AND gate.