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Organs of excretion in annelids are
A. Suckers
B. Nephridia
C. Lungs
D. Kidney

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
Total views: 409.2k
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Hint: The excretory system of annelid is made up of long tubular organs. The excretory system removes the waste material from the body.

Complete answer
Suckers: Hooks and suckers are present in the organisms belonging to the phylum Platyhelminthes. These structures help them to absorb nutrients from the host directly through their body. These suckers are present in the parasitic forms.
Nephridia: These are the most characteristic features of the phylum Annelida leg earthworm. The excretory system of Annelida consists of coiled tubules, the metanephridia/Nephridia. It takes in body fluid from the coelom and an exit pore in the body wall called nephridiopore, releases waste from the worm. Nephridia thus maintains the water balance of the body i.e. osmoregulation.
Lungs: This is the respiratory organ in Amphibians. In humans lungs are situated in the thoracic chamber which is anatomically an airtight chamber lungs play an important role in breathing and therefore in exchange of gases.
Kidneys: Kidneys are the excretory organs in humans. Kidneys are composed of numerous microscopic coiled tubules called nephrons. The kidneys are metanephric in mammals.

Hence the correct option is (B), Nephridia.

Note: In Annelida, the excretory products are ammonia in aquatic forms and are in the land forms by Excretion, organisms maintain the homeostasis.