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What was the most significant trend in the evolution of modern man (Homo sapiens)
from his ancestors?
A. Shortening of jaws
B. Binocular vision
C. Increasing cranial capacity
D. Upright posture

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
Total views: 319.8k
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Hint: There are several things that we are evolving and degenerating but what makes us a better animal as we are animals too. Humans are called as the powerful organisms on the planet whereas lions, tigers and elephants look more dangerous, it's because Homo sapiens are rich by evolving brains.

Complete answer:
There are a number of notable changes that occurred from proto hominids to modern Homo sapiens like reduction in the size of canines and advancement in the size of molars etc.
The most notable tendency in modern man (Homo sapiens)is advancement from his forefathers is an increase in brain capacity. The human brain grew to be significantly larger than that of other primates, averaging thirteen hundred thirty centimetre cubes in modern humans, more than twice the size of a chimp or gorilla.
Paleoanthropology is the study of human evolution as a biology. Paleoanthropology is a branch of anthropology, which is concerned with the study of human culture, society, and biology. The field entails determining the similarities and differences in DNA, bodily form, physiology, and behaviour between humans and other species.
Paleoanthropologists study the origin of physical characteristics and behavior in humans. They want to know how evolution has shaped everyone's potentials, tendencies, and limitations. People descended from apelike relatives through a long process of change known as human evolution.
Bipedalism, or the capability to walk on two legs, is one of the earliest defining human characteristics, having emerged around four million years ago. Other essential human features, such as a large and complex brain, the ability to create and utilize tools, and the ability to communicate, have just lately emerged. Many advanced characteristics, such as profound symbolic expression, art, and intricate cultural diversity arose primarily in the last hundred thousand years.

As a result, option C is the right answer Homo sapiens increasing cranial capacity

Evolution can happen by different mechanisms like natural selection and genetic drift. As our environment is always changing, natural selection is always happening. Humans are still evolving, and that is unlikely to change in the future.