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Lord Amherst was succeeded by __________ as the Governor General of India.
A.William Bentinck
B.Lord Hastings
C.Lord Curzon
D.None of these

Last updated date: 16th Jun 2024
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Hint:Amherst was Governor-General in Bharat (India) from August 1823 to Gregorian calendar month 1828. The principal events of his government were annexation of Assam resulting in the primary Burmese war of 1824 , leading to the relinquishment of Arakan and Tenasserim to British Empire.

Complete answer:
Lord William Bentinck, fully chemist Cavendish-Bentinck, British governor-general of Bharat (India) 1833-35. The social reforms of William Bentinck created his name immortal within the history of British Asian countries. These embrace the abolishment of Sati, the suppression of Thugs and also the hindrance of feminine infanticide. He has been attributable for vital social and academic reforms in Asian country as well as abolishing sati, suppressing feminine infanticide and human sacrifice. Bentinck said that "the dreadful responsibility hanging over his head during this world and also the next, if he was to consent to the continuance of this observation (sati) one moment longer." Bentinck when consultation with the military and officers passed the geographic area Sati Regulation, 1829there was very little opposition. The sole challenge came from the Hindu deity Sabha that appealed within the council, but the ban on Sati was upheld. He finished lawlessness by eliminating execution – that had existed for over 450 years – with the help of his chief captain, chemist Sleeman. In conjunction with Thomas Babington First Baron Macaulay he introduced English because the language of instruction in Asian countries. At last we came to know that Lord Amherst was succeeded by William Bentinck as the Governor General of India.

Hence, the correct answer is option (A).

Note:Lord William Bentinck is understood because the liberal governor of Asian country. He introduced several bodies, judicial, judicial, social reforms in Asian countries. One of them was the abolishment of Persian because the court language as a result of it absolutely was rough for the litigants to fight during this language.