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Differentiate between albuminous and non- albuminous.

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
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Hint: Sexual reproduction among angiosperm plants results in the formation of seeds, inside of the fruit. Dissection of seed suggests that it consists of a seed coat, cotyledon & embryo axis. Matured seeds are classified into two types based on the reserve food material present in them.

Complete answer:
Albuminous Non- albuminous
Within the membrane, the whole whitish, fleshy, slightly flattened, and oval mass is the endosperm which contains much oil.In this type of seed, the food is not stored in the two cotyle­dons of the embryo but in the endosperm external to the embryo.
On cutting open the endosperm the embryo is obtained to remain embedded inside. There are two thin, white cotyledons. On opening the seed coat, the kernel is found. The kernel in dicotyledonous non-al­buminous seeds is the embryo.
The seed coat shows both testa and tegmen. The cotyledons contain latex and, of course, a lot of starch. The cotyledons are flat even though they contain a good amount of food matter including oil.In the non-albuminous type of seeds, the embryo completely con­sumes the endosperm and nucellus so that they are no longer seen while the food is kept stored in the cotyledons which become swollen.
The two cotyledons are hinged to the tigellum that presents the protruding radicle with a short hypocotyl behind it and the plumule hidden between the cotyledons.The two cotyledons are hinged to an axis or tigellum so as to open them out like a book. The tigellum presents the axis of the future plant for this.
Example: Mazie, barley, castor, and sunflowerExample: Pea and groundnut

Note: -The endosperm present in the angiosperm seeds originates from the fusion in the central cell of the embryo sac of the two female polar nuclei with one of the two male gametes delivered by the pollen tube, the second fertilization resulting in the embryo.
-The collective contribution of the endosperm to the final mass of the mature seed varies greatly depending on the species.