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Cranial capacity of which of the following was near to modern man?
A. Australopithecus
B. Homo erectus
C. Homo neanderthalensis
D. None of the above

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
Total views: 381.3k
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Hint: The cranial capacity of modern man is around 1460 c$m^3$. Modern man, also known as Homo sapiens includes all the human beings which are existing presently on the earth. These are the most advanced humans to date.

Complete answer:
It is said that man originated from ancient apes, this idea came from the fossils skulls, mandibles, teeth, and bones like humerus and femur found in Africa, Germany, France, China, and other parts of Asia. The order of human evolution is as follows: Dryopithecus ->Ramapithecus -> Australopithecus -> Homo erectus -> Neanderthal man -> Cro-magnon man ->Modern man. Dryopithecus and Ramapithecus were primates that existed over 15 mya (million years ago). They walked like gorillas and chimpanzees and had a hairy body. On the basis of a fossil study, it is said that Dryopithecus evolved into Ramapithecus. Dryopithecus was more ape-like and had a semi-erect posture whereas Ramapithecus was more manlike and walked erect on their hind limbs. The fossils of Ramapithecus were more similar to Kenyapithecus whose fossils were discovered in Kenya. The connecting link between ape and the man was Australopithecus which lived in East African grasslands about 2 mya. They hunted with stone weapons but mostly ate fruits. They had a prognathous face and no chin. Their cranial capacity was around 450 – 600 c.c.
Australopithecus was about 4 feet in height and walked completely straight. They had a man like dentition as the dental arch was smoothly rounded parabola and a simian cap was absent. Homo erectus was considered the first true man . they were found in Java and Peking. The cranial capacity of the Java man was found to be 940 c.c. whereas the cranial capacity of Peking man was found to be 850-1200 c.c.
Java man was about five feet in height and they walked erect. They had a prognathous face without chin and they had massive jaws and huge teeth. They even had a bony eyebrow ridge.
Homo neanderthalensis also called Neanderthal man was an advanced prehistoric man. They were heavily built and short, they also had prominent brow ridges with no chin. The skull bones of Neanderthal men were thick with a low and slanting forehead. Their jaw was deep and had an outwardly curved thigh bone.
Hence, the correct answer is option C.

Note: During the ice age, modern Homo sapiens arose which is about 75,000 to 10,000 years ago. Prehistoric cave art developed around 18,000 years ago and then about 10,000 years ago agriculture came along with human settlements.