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How are mountains useful to humans?

Last updated date: 02nd May 2024
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Hint: Mountains are a very important source of water that replenishes the water bodies. Seas and rivers emerged because the snow from the mountains melted.

Complete Answer: Mountains are the origin of the water. This is from where all the water bodies replenish every time and then form a network of tributaries all over the land. Water from the mountains is used for irrigation purposes and also for the generation of hydro-electricity. Hydro-electricity is a very important aspect of important supply of water from mountains. The river valleys and terraces are considered very ideal for the cultivation of crops because of the flow of water. Many people who reside in areas near mountains cultivate their own food and also raise animals. These animals are usually milch animals so that there is a supply of milk in such remote areas. Mountains are also seen to have a rich variety of flora and fauna. The animals are huge and usually covered in fur to protect them from cold weather and climatic conditions. The forests present there provide wood, fuel, fodder, shelter and other commodities like gum, raisins, etc. They also act as a natural habitat for animals and their source of living. Mountains are seen as tourist spots and several sports like paragliding, river rafting and skiing are popular in such areas.

Note: A mountain is a type of landform that rises above the land. They usually have a conical type shape and are generally considered to be steeper than a hill. They are formed through tectonic movements or in some cases volcanism.