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A man of A blood group marries a woman of AB blood group. Which type of progeny would indicate that man is heterozygous A?
B. A
C. O
D. B

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
Total views: 400.5k
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Hint:-The blood cells of different individuals produce different proteins on the surface of the red blood cells in circulation for recognition by the immune system of the organism, depending on the phenotype of an individual. This results in the progeny of multiple blood groups.

Complete step-by-step solution:-
Option A is incorrect. A child with A, B, AB or O blood types can be borne by one parent with A and another with B. If one parent has A and another parent has AB, they can either generate blood types A, B, or AB for a child. They will either produce a child with A or O blood types if one parent has A and another has O.
Option B is incorrect. The child has type A blood because both the father and mother contribute an A gene. The child is "pure-bred" for the gene A in this situation. The child can only pass on to his offspring the A gene.
Option C is incorrect. A child with A, B, AB or O blood types can be borne by one parent with A and another with B. If one parent has A and another parent has AB, they can either generate blood types A, B, or AB for a child. They will either produce a child with A or O blood types if one parent has A and another has O.
Option D is correct. A cross between a heterozygous individual with blood group A and a woman with blood group AB produces offspring with blood groups A, AB and B. On the other hand, parents with A and B develop progeny with A, AB blood groups, a cross between homozygous man with A blood group, and woman with AB blood group, none of the children would have B blood group. A child with a blood group B would also mean that a man is heterozygous A.
So, the correct answer is Option D.

Note:- Blood typing is a way to tell what sort of blood you have. Blood typing is carried out so that you can donate your blood safely or obtain a blood transfusion. It is also done on the surface of the red blood cells to see if one has a substance called Rh factor.