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A bar magnet of magnetic moment \[3.0\,A - {m^2}\] is placed in a uniform magnetic induction field of \[2 \times {10^{ - 5}}T\]. If each pole of the magnetic experiences a force of \[6 \times {10^{ - 4}}N\], the length of the magnet is:
A. \[0.5\,m\]
B. \[0.3\,m\]
C. \[0.2\,m\]
D. \[0.1\,m\]

Last updated date: 16th Jun 2024
Total views: 389.4k
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Hint: Use the Formula of Magnetic Moment and substitute the values in formula as given in the Question to get the answer. The magnetic moment is a vector relating torque of an object to the magnetic field. This is mathematically represented as:
\[\tau = m \times B\]
τ is the torque acting on the dipole
m is magnetic moment
and B is the external magnetic field

Complete step by step answer:
Magnetic Moment- The magnetic moment can be defined as the magnetic strength and orientation of a magnet or other object that creates a magnetic field. Permanent magnets, Astronomical objects, Loops of electric current, Elementary particles are some examples of the objects having magnetic moments.
We know that,
\[M = mL\]
\[m = \dfrac{M}{L}\]
Now, we have
\[F = mB\]
\[F = \dfrac{M}{L}B\]
The above equation can be also written as
\[L = \dfrac{{MB}}{F}\]
On Substituting the values magnetic moment (M) and uniform magnetic field (B), and magnetic experiences of force (F) we will get
\[L = \dfrac{{3 \times 2 \times {{10}^{ - 5}}}}{{6 \times {{10}^{ - 4}}}}\]
After solving the equation we will get,
\[L = 0.1m\]
Thus, the correct answer will be option D i.e, \[L = 0.1\,m\]

So, the correct answer is “Option D”.

The term magnetic moment usually represents the system's magnetic dipole moment.
And the component of the magnetic moment is represented by an equivalent magnetic dipole which is divided into a magnetic north and South Pole by a very minor distance.