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What is Mechanics?

The subject matter of mechanics is a field that requires practical application of knowledge.  The people and the great scientists who have a good knowledge of mechanics have either been great inventors or have changed the world for the better. The students today with the same aspiration to achieve something great in their lives study mechanics. However, the subject is a little complex in nature and does require some greater intervention from the mentors to enable the students to learn about mechanics well.

Vedantu has come to rescue students to fulfill their needs and bridge the gaps in their learning. The high-quality teachers of Vedantu. The content could be downloaded in PDF format by the students.  Surprisingly, resources are free of cost, which satisfies Vedantu’s intent to provide affordable education to all.  Now money and location are no more an obstacle in their pursuit of quality education.  

Mechanics is a science that deals with the motion of objects under the effect of force. It also deals with the special case when the body stays at rest.

Here, our foremost concern is with the two bodies that exert forces on each other.

For example, the effect of gravity on the planets revolving around the sun, magnetic forces by which iron filings get attracted to the magnet and the electric force under which the two charges get attracted towards each other, and so on.


Mechanics is the area of physics that is concerned with the movement of physical objects.

Forces applied to objects result in displacements, i.e., changes of an object's position relative to its surroundings.

Mechanics is divided into three following categories:

  • Statistical mechanics

  • Classical mechanics   

  • Quantum mechanics

Statistical Mechanics

The word static in statistical means stable or at rest. So, statistical mechanics deals with the static objects on which the force is applied. Statistical mechanics combines the principles of statistics with both classical and Quantum Physics.

In today’s era, one of the fundamental concepts (pillars) of Modern Physics is statistical mechanics. Statistical mechanics that treats and explains classical thermodynamics is statistical thermodynamics.

Let’s say, there is ‘N’ number of system of particles in thermal equilibrium at absolute temperature T, the energy E is associated with each particle, then the energy for ‘N’ particles will be:

N (E) = g (E) f (E)


N (E) = total energy of all the particles in a system.

g (E) = Number of state of energy (E) or the statistical weight regarding the energy

We call f (E) the distribution function.

f (E) has two more meanings:   

  • It is the average number of particles in each state of energy (E).   

  • Probability/chance of occupancy of each state of energy (E).

Statistical mechanics help us determine how macroscopic properties, viz: temperature and pressure are related to macroscopic properties that keep on varying on an average.

As we know classical thermodynamics can only measure and tabulate the quantities (heat capacity) of certain materials; however, statistical mechanics connects these thermodynamic quantities to microscopic behavior.

Classical Mechanics

Classical mechanics deals with the objects in motion under the influence of a force or the equilibrium bodies whose all forces are balanced.

We can think of classical mechanics as the explanation of basic postulates of Isaac Newton mentioned in his book named Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1687), commonly known as the Principia.

We call these postulates Newton’s laws of motion. These laws help us forecast with great accuracy a wide variety of phenomena ranging from the motion of individual particles to the interactions of highly complicated systems.

The core concepts in classical mechanics are force, mass, and motion. Newton couldn’t define both mass and force. Since then these both have been the subject of much philosophical observation for Newton. However, both of these are best known for their effects.

Applying the first law of motion, we can say that mass is a measure of the tendency of a body to resist changes in its state of motion, while the force accelerates bodies, i.e., when it is applied to the body, it changes the state of motion of the body. The interconnection between these two effects is what we call classical mechanics.

What is Classical Mechanics in Physics?

Classical mechanics is a theory of Physics that takes into aspect the motion of macroscopic objects (objects visible with naked eyes), starting from projectiles to different parts of machinery, and astronomical objects, such as spacecraft, stars, planets, and galaxies.

For objects that are governed by classical mechanics, if the present state is known, we can predict how an object will move in the future (determinism) and how it has moved in the past (reversibility).

Quantum Mechanics

Quantum mechanics is the theory of science that studies the behavior of matter and light on the atomic and subatomic levels.

Quantum mechanics is the fundamental tool that helps to understand the theoretical stage and the electronic structure of chemical compounds and their mechanism, thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, and kinetics of chemical reactions.

Quantum mechanics attempts to describe and look for the properties of molecules and atoms and their constituents, viz: electrons, protons, neutrons, and many other esoteric particles such as quarks & gluons; these attributes involve the interactions of particles (at the microscopic level) with each other and with electromagnetic radiations such as light-rays, X-rays, and gamma-rays.

So, you understood how quantum physics explains how atoms work, and therefore, why chemistry and biology work as they do.

Points to Remember

Do you know mechanics and kinematics are related to each other? If you don’t know, let's understand it.

The part of mechanics that describes motion without concerning its causes is called kinematics. It’s because kinematics does not take into account the cause of motion, it only considers the following parameters of motion; these are:

  • Speed   

  • Displacement

  • Distance

  • Time

  • Velocity

Benefits of Vedantu - Mechanics Article

The benefits of the content provided by the Vedantu are a lot from the examination point of view.  The teachers who have prepared this article know the weak points of the students and also are aware of what the examiner could ask examination in what format. Using this knowledge the article above is created to cater to the student and their hopes to top the final exam.

The article precisely explains the subject matter and equips students with time to underline and take notes from the article. This practice will enable the student to revise the content of mechanics from the revision notes several times.  Which means the preparation for the exam always stays consolidated.

The best thing is that the entire content provided by Vedantu to its students is free of cost. Vedantu doesn’t charge a single penny from its students and still provides a plethora of free-of-cost content on its website. Vedantu believes in quality plus affordable education. The vision of Vedantu is to provide Indians with the most reliable place where I can come and study, delivering high-quality results. Fortunately,  this vision is not a reality in which more and more students every day are opting for Vedantu, enhancing their chances to be the best in their examinations.

Staying Organize

To stay organized throughout your preparation for big exams one must study with the routine. If there is no routine there would be no success. The routine decides the tasks that one has to carry out in an entire day.  Having such a routine would enable one to have better control over the day.

Physical exercise must be an intrinsic part of your regime. If one stays physically fit, one stays mentally fit too. Mental fitness is also one of the important components of keeping one self-organized.  According to the experts, people who follow an organized lifestyle, s off with mental peace in return.

FAQs on Mechanics

1. List Seven Branches of Mechanics.

Seven branches of mechanics lie hereunder:

  • Thermodynamics.

  • Optics, light, lenses, colors.

  • Phenomena of vibrations and waves.

  • Relativistic mechanics.

  • Electromagnetism.

  • Quantum mechanics.

  • Mechanics of motion, objects, and interactions between them.

2. How Many Types of Physicists are There?

The field generally involves the following two types of Physicists: Experimental physicists.

These types of Physicists are specialized in the observation of physical phenomena, and the analysis of experiments.

The second type of Physicists are theoretical physicists: They are specialized in mathematical modeling of physical systems to rationalize, explain, and predict natural phenomena.

3. List the Hardest Branches of Physics.

  • Electromagnetism

  • Projectile Motion

  • String Theory

  • Electronics and communication

  • General Relativity theory

  • Relative Velocity

  • Radiation

  • Rotational mechanics

  • Quantum theory and mechanics

4. Who is the Father of Classical Mechanics and in What Aspects it got Failed?

Galileo Galilei is the father of classical mechanics in addition to it, he is the father of the scientific revolution and modern astronomy.

The failure of classical physics was to explain the blackbody radiation, the photoelectric effect, and the hydrogen atom. Because of the failure to explain these phenomena the concept of classical physics could not go further.

5. How to find the Mechanics - Definition, Different Categories, and FAQs article?

The students can find the article on the Vedantu website. There is no need for r signups or any kind of registration fee. One can directly go to the website and download the mechanic's article on the website. The best thing is that the article is free of cost, which means students are not paying anything for all the high-quality content that would seal your stop in the topper’s list.

6. What is the right environment to study?

One must prevent any sort of distraction at any cost without a fail. The examinations and the preparation require diligent efforts and consistency. To establish this focus, make sure one has switched off the mobile phone. Have a timetable that one can follow for the day and daily routine. The pace should be quiet and be very consistent with the student's requirement of developing focus.  The room should be kept clean in the very first place.  The study table should not be piled up with the old books that students needed must be organized since organized surroundings lead to an organized mindset and well-arranged time management these are a few tips that a student can follow to create a good environment to study