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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 19 - Pradarshanee

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Class 6 Hindi Durva NCERT Solutions for Chapter 19 Pradarshanee

NCERT solution provides the best and useful material for class 6 chapter 19 Pradarshanee. NCERT Solution Class 6 Hindi Pradarshanee provides an easy explanation with important details. NCERT solutions class 6 chapter 19 covers all the important key points with the best and easy explanation and with useful questions along with the answers. The topics and explanations are made easy and understandable so that students can refer to NCERT solutions class 6 chapter 19 Pradarshanee for last-minute preparation.

All the required information is made easily accessible to students. The study material can help students to do well. The solutions provided by our NCERT solutions are from the exam point of view which helps students with last-minute preparation before the exam. Students can cover this topic in less time.


NCERT Solutions For Class 6


Class 6 Hindi - Durva

Chapter Name:

Chapter 19 - Pradarshanee

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Access NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 19 - प्रदर्शनी

1. पढ़ो और बोलो:

( क) प्रदर्शनी       मंडप       हस्तशिल्प       राज्य       स्थान 

मनमोहक     मिट्टी      छूट्टी          भरतनाट्यम   राज्य

ओडिसा – नृत्य सप्ताह     लौटना         मणिपुरी – नृत्य  सजना 

(ख)हस्तशिल्प – हाथ की कारीगरी            चचेरी बहन – चाचा की बेटी 

अवसर – मौका                        मनमोहक – मन  को मोह लेनेवाला

 सुंदर – खूबसूरत   

उत्तर: प्रदर्शनी – प्र+द+र+श+न+ई 

मंडप – म+न+ड+प 

हस्तशिल्प – ह+स+त+श+ई+ल+प 

राज्य – र+आ+ज+य 

स्थान – स+थ+आ+न 

मनमोहक – म+न+म+ओ+ह+क 

मिटटी् – म+ई+ट+ट+ई 

छुटटी् – छ+ उ +ट+ट+ई 

भरतनाट्यम – भ+र+त+न+आ+ट्+य+म 

राज्य – र+आ+ज+य

हस्तशिल्प – ह+स+त+श+ई+ल+प 

चचेरी बहन – च+च+ऐ+र+ई ब+ह+न 

अवसर – अ+व+स+र 

मनमोहक – म+ न +म+ओ+ह+क 

सुंदर – स+उ+न+द+र

2. पढ़ो और समझो 

( क) मैं  गया/गई हूं         हम     गए/ गई हूं

तुम   गए/गई हो      आप

वह/यह      गया/गई है     वे/ये

मैं    गया/ गई थी       हम      गए थे/ गई थी 

तुम    गए/ गई थी      आप 

वह/ यह    गया/ गई थी      वे/ये   

उत्तर: मैं गया हूं। मैं गई हूं।, हम गए हैं।

तुम गए हो। आप गए हो।

वह गई हैं। यह गई गई है।

आप गए थे। तुम गई थी।

यह गई थी। वह गया था।

3. कोष्ठक में दिए गए शब्दो की सहायता से नमूने के अनुसार वाक्य बदलकर लिखो।

नमूना           राजीव एक बार प्रदर्शनी में गया है।( पहले भी )

राजीव पहले भी प्रदर्शनी में गया है।

( पिछले गुरुवार को ,  शाम को , आज ही ) 

  1. माधवी अभी – अभी लौटी हैं।(आज ही )

  2. हम आज मेले से एक फ्रिज लाए हैं।( शाम को ) 

  3. चाचा जी को नागपुर गए हैं।(पिछले गुरुवार को )


  1. माधवी आज ही लौटी हैं।

  2. हम आज शाम को एक फ्रिज लाए हैं।

  3. चाचा जी पिछले गुरुवार को नागपुर गए हैं।

4. कोष्ठक में दिए गए शब्दो की सहायता से नमूने के अनुसार वाक्य बदलकर लिखो।

नमूना            जैकब सिंगापुर गया है।(पिछले साल)

जैकब पिछले साल सिंगापुर गया था।

(दो साल पहले, पहले भी , पिछले साल भी)

  1. शीला काल सेलम से लौटी हैं।(दो साल पहले)

  2. श्रीनिवासन आज जयपुर गया हैं।(पहले भी)

  3. सरला आज उपहार लाई हैं।(पिछले साल भी)


  1. शीला दो साल पहले सेलम से लौटी हैं।

  2. श्रीनिवासन पहले भी जयपुर गए हैं।

  3. सरला पिछले साल भी उपहार लाई थी।

5. नीचे दिए शब्दो में से चुनकर वाक्य पूरे कीजिए।

( मंडप , हस्तशिल्प , सांस्कृतिक , प्रदर्शनी , छुट्टी )

  1. सभी ……. खूब सजाए गए थे।

  2. इस अवसर पर ………. कार्यक्रम भी हो रहे हैं।

  3. हम दोनों को यह ……… बहुत अच्छी लगी।

  4. .….. छुट्टी के दिन बहुत भीड़ होती है।

  5. वहां…… की प्रदर्शनी लगी हुई थी।


  1. सभी मंडप खूब सजाए गए थे।

  2. इस अवसर पर संस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम भी हो रहे हैं।

  3. हम दोनों को यह प्रदर्शनी बहुत अच्छी लगी।

  4. छुट्टी के दिन बहुत भीड़ होती है।

  5. वहां हस्तशिल्प की प्रदर्शनी लगी हुई हैं।

6. प्रश्नों के उत्तर दो 

  1. प्रदर्शनी के अवसर पर सुजाता और रंजना ने कौन – कौन से नृत्य देखे?

  2. हस्तशिल्प की प्रदर्शनी में कौन – कौन सी चीज़े सुजाता को मनमोहक लगी?

  3. सुजाता ने अपनी चचेरी बहन रंजना के लिए क्या – क्या खरीदा?

  4. कर्नाटक, तमिलनाडु , केरल , और ओडिशा में प्रचलित नृत्य के नाम लिखो।


  1. प्रदर्शनी के अवसर पर सुजाता और रंजना ने भरतनाट्यम , कचीपुड़ी , और ओडिशा का नृत्य देखा।  

  2. सुजाता को नागालैंड के बने दो बैग, बेंत से बना हुआ फूलों का गमला और बांस से बना टेबल लैंप मनमोहक लगा।

  3. सुजाता ने अपनी चचेरी बहन रंजना के लिए बेंत से बना फूलों का गमला और बांस से बना टेबल लैंप खरीदा।

  4. राज्य                       नृत्य 

कर्नाटक                      यक्षगान 

तमिलनाडु                   भरतनाट्यम 

केरल                           ओडिसी 

ओडिशा                      कचीपुडी

NCERT Solution Class 6 Hindi Chapter 19 - Free PDF Download

It is very easy to download the NCERT solution Pradarshanee class 6 chapter 19 PDF from online websites. Our class NCERT Solutions Class 6 Hindi Dhurva chapter 19 will help you easily understand the concepts and memorize them with better understanding. The material will help you prepare best for your exam and score well in the exam. You can face the exam with confidence.

NCERT Solution Class 6 Hindi Chapter 19 Pradarshanee will provide all the required questions and answers to the questions with the best explanation. All the answers are provided by the subject experts. Using the Hindi chapter 19 Pradarshanee study material,  students at every level can score well. Students can also make their vocabulary skills strong.

NCERT Solution For Class 6 Hindi Chapters

Chapter 19 - Pradarshanee

NCERT solution class 6 Hindi chapter 19 Sparsh belongs to the Durva. This chapter is all about Sujatha's visit to the exhibition, what she saw in the exhibition, etc in the material. The material is filled with all possible questions and answers. Each line of the chapter is explained in easy words and you can find the meaning of the complicated words in simple language. The detailed explanation for the chapter is provided by Ncert solutions.

Class 6 Hindi Chapter-Wise Marks Weightage

Class 6 Chapter 19 is one of the most important topics and has the highest weightage among all. Questions from this chapter keep repeating every year in the board exams. The material will help to prepare for this chapter and score well.

Here is more info about the content of this chapter.

19.1 Answer the following questions. 7 Questions.

19.2 Explain the summary of the chapter in your own words. 2 Questions.

19.3 Explain what Sujatha saw in the exhibition. 1 Question.

19.4 Answer in brief. 3 Questions.

19.5 Explain the conversation between Salma and Sujatha. 2 Questions.

Why are NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 19 Important?

  • Our simplified answer provides a better understanding which helps in preparing for exams in the best way.

  • The material includes all possible questions with simple but better answers which can be understood easily.

  • NCERT solution class 6 Hindi chapter 19 provides related and simplified answers prepared by subject experts which make learning easy.

  • For better understanding, the complicated words are explained in the easy language in the material.

  • NCERT solutions class 6 Hindi chapter 19 Pradarshanee provides different short and long answers along with the simplified meaning of the chapter which can give a quick recap for the exam.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 19 - Pradarshanee

1. Explain What Sujatha Saw in the Exhibition?

In the exhibition, Sujatha saw the pavilions of different states in different places. She saw beautiful objects made of wood, clay, and cane made of handicrafts. For her, the most fascinating picture was drawn on the cloth with the help of hands. She saw dances and artists from different states. Sujata was mainly inspired by South Indian artists and dancers. Such as Tamilnadu artists performed Bharatanatyam, Odisha artists performed Odissi dance and other dances were also performed. Sujatha enjoyed a lot at the exhibition.

2. Explain the Conversation Between Sujatha and Salma?

When Salma went to Sujatha's house last evening, she wasn’t at home. Salma asked Sujatha this thing.  Sujatha told me that she had gone to see the Pragati Maidan exhibition with her cousin Ranjana. What did she do inside the exhibition? What else did she see? She told all these things to Salma. Hearing about the exhibition, Salma also felt like going to the exhibition. So she asked Sujatha could you take me to the Pragati Maidan exhibition tomorrow. Sujatha said that no tomorrow is Sunday, we will go on another day as tomorrow will be very crowded.

3. What is the exercise-wise question frequency of Chapter 19 of Class 6 Hindi?

Chapter 19 Pradarshnee of Class 6 Hindi is one of the important chapters covered in the Hindi textbook Durva. It has the highest weightage among all chapters. Here are the number of questions asked from the exercises of this chapter. 

  • Exercise 19.1 is about to answer the following questions. From this exercise, almost seven questions will be asked. 

  • From Exercise 19.2 two questions will be asked that will rely on the summary of the chapter. 

  • From Exercise 19.3 one question will be asked that is ‘Explain the things Sujata saw in the exhibition’. 

  • Three questions of brief explanation will be asked from Exercise 19.4. 

  • Two questions from Exercise 19.5 will be related to the conversation between Sujata and Salma. 

4. Why are the NCERT Solutions provided by Vedantu of Chapter 19 Pradarshnee of Class 6 Hindi are important? 

The NCERT Solutions provided by Vedantu of Chapter 19 Pradarshnee of Class 6 Hindi are important because-

  • It provides simplified answers to the textbook questions for a better understanding that enables students to prepare well for the exams. 

  • This study material contains all important questions that are usually asked in the exams. These questions are written in a simple way and can be easily understood. 

  • The NCERT Solutions of Chapter 19 Pradarshnee of Class 6 Hindi are prepared by the best subject matter experts that make learning efficient. 

  • These solutions explain tough questions in simple language. 

  • They help students to do a proper revision during exam time. 

The NCERT Solutions are available at free of cost on the Vedantu website and on the Vedantu app.

5. According to the chapter what kind of performances did the South Indians presented? 

Many performers of South India set up their own stages for presenting their performances. The performers of Karnataka performed the Yakshagan act. The performers of Tamilnadu presented the act of Bharatnatyam. Odissi performers performed the Odissi dance. On the other hand, the performers of Kerala presented the Kuchipudi dance at the event. 

6. What kind of Handicrafts did Sujata like in the exhibition? 

Sujata saw almost every stall in the exhibition. These stalls were positioned at different places and were represented by different people who belonged to different states. She was moved by glancing at these stalls one by one. She saw different handicrafts made with sand, wood and rock. She found these things beautiful. But, the thing which she liked the most in the exhibition was the painting that was made on a piece of cloth with the help of human hands. 

7. What are handicrafts? 

Handicrafts are expressed as handmade things or artisanal handicrafts that are made with human hands. These purposeful things are also used as decorative items. They are sometimes created with hands or with simple tools like carving implements, scissors, hooks, etc. It is a part of a traditional sector of craft. It involves working with paper fibres, clay, rigid and moldable materials to make useful things. Collective forms of handicrafts include crafting, artisanry and handcrafting.