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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 1 - Kalam

Last updated date: 27th Jul 2024
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Class 6 Hindi Durva NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 Kalam

Hindi is not an easy language to learn. There are far too many little things that can make it very difficult for a student to get good marks in this subject. Thankfully, with hard work and consistent efforts, this situation can be reversed.

To ease  Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 1 preparation, it is always suggested to students that they should solve Ch 1 Durva Class 6 questions offered by Vedantu on this page. By solving NCERT questions, students will be able to become more familiar with the types of questions that they might have to attempt during their final examination.

Further, if a student needs extra help, then he or she should download Class 6 Hindi durva Ch 1 NCERT solutions through the links provided below. These solutions are available for free and can be downloaded on almost all devices.


NCERT Solutions For Class 6


Class 6 Hindi - Durva

Chapter Name:

Chapter 1 - Kalam

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Subjects like Science, Maths, English,Hindi will become easy to study if you have access to NCERT Solution for Class 6 Science , Maths solutions and solutions of other subjects. You can also download NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Access NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 1: कलम

1. पहचानो और बोलो:

क   ल   म   र   न   अ

का     ला   मा   रा  ना   आ

उत्तर:  क से कलम

ल से लट्टू

म से मछली

र से रथ

न से नल 

अ से अनार

क से काला

ला से लाल

मा से मासूम

रा से रात

ना से नाराज

आ से आम

2: सुनो और बोलो। 

आम   कान   काला  अनार  कमरा  

काम   नाक    नाला  कमल कमला   

नल   माल   माला  कलम  कमान  

नाम   लाल   मामा   नमक  मकान

दाम   गाल   नाना   कदम  समान  

उत्तर:  आम- आ + म,  कान– का+ न,  काला– का+ ला, अनार- अ+ ना+ र, कमरा- क+ म+ रा

काम- का+म, नाक- ना+क, नाला- ना+ला, कमल- क+म+ल, कमला- क+म+ला

नल – न+ल, माल – मा+ल, माला -मा+ला, कलम – क+ल+म,  कमान- क+मा+न

नाम – ना+म, लाल- ला+ल, मामा- मा+मा, नमक- न+म+क, मकान-म+का+न

दाम -दा+म, गाल – गा+ल, नाना – ना+ना, कदम – क+द+म, समान- स+मा+न

3: नीचे दिये गए वर्णों को लिखने का अभ्यास करें। 


आ… … … .. 

क.. … … … 

ल… … .. 

म… … … 

 र… … … .. 

न… … … 

उत्तर:  अ- अनार

आ- आम

क – कलम

ल – लाल

म – मकान

र -  रात

न – नाना

4. चित्रों के अधूरे नाम पूरे करो। 

1.ना. … … . 

2.मा… … .. 

3.म… … . न

उत्तर:   1. नाक

 2. माला

3. मकान

5. घड़े मे से वर्ण एवं मात्रा को चुनकर सार्थक शब्द बनाओ और नीचे लिखो। 

जैसे- नल, कलम  दो वर्णण वाले शब्द  उत्तर : मन, आम, नाक, कल, कान,  तीन वर्णण वाले शब्द । 

उत्तर:  कमरा, मकान, कमला, अनार, आकार, आकाश, कला। 

मौखिक पाठ

1: अध्यापक वाक्य बोलेंगे और विद्यार्थी सुनेंगे। 

यह कलम है।

यह आम है। 

यह मकान है।  

यह कमरा है। 

2: अध्यापक वाक्य बोलेंगे और विद्यार्थी दोहराएंगे। 

अध्यापक                विद्यार्थी

यह कलम है।         यह कलम है।

यह मकान है।        यह मकान है।

यह अनार है।         यह अनार है। 

यह कान है।           यह कान है। 

यह कमरा है।         यह कमरा है।   

3: दूर की वस्तुओों की ओर सोंकेत करते हुए अध्यापक वह………है वाक्योों का अभ्यास करें । 

जैसे:  वह कलम है। 

वह मकान है। 

वह अनार है।  

वह कमरा है।

उत्तर:  वह कमल का फूल है। 

वह सेब है। 

वह बंगला है। 

वह किताब है। 

4.पास तथा दूर की वस्तुओं की ओर संकेत करते हुए अध्यापक दिए गए नमूने के अनुसार प्रश्न पूछे और विद्यार्थी उत्तर दें।

नमुने:  अध्यापक :- यह क्या है? 

विद्यार्थी:- यह कलम है।

उत्तर: अध्यापक: वहां क्या है? 

विद्यार्थी: वहां गेंद है। 

अध्यापक: यह क्या है?

विद्यार्थी: यह कमल का फूल है।

NCERT Solution Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 1 - Free PDF Download

If you are a Class 6th student, then you must have already taken a number of exams till now. Look back at the results of those exams and try to think of the common mistakes that you made in those exams. There are pretty good chances that you are still making some of those mistakes now.

It is common for students not to notice the little things that they do in exams, which could result in the student losing his or her marks. This is why the first thing that a student needs to do right now is to identify those errors and take steps to make sure that those mistakes are not made again.

Vedantu experts are preparing NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 1 to provide students with an engaging learning experience. These NCERT Solutions cover all the main points of the chapter, making it easier for students to understand and study them.  

We at Vedantu provide free NCERT solutions in Hindi and English for all classes and subjects. By referring to these NCERT Solutions, students will obtain excellent marks in their Hindi exams. So, download and read the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 1 "Kalam" on this page.

Students can download CBSE Class 6 Hindi Durva  Chapter 1 solutions  with a single click on the pdf link given below to help them with this task. The answers in these documents are written according to the guidelines set by CBSE. So, students can compare their answers with the solutions mentioned in the document to get a clearer idea of what they should and should not do during examinations.

Introduction to Chapter 1

The chapter 1, “Kalam” of the Hindi syllabus is a short chapter that encompasses the discussion of different sounds, pronunciation and spelling of the words. The chapter teaches kids to identify different types of sounds in Hindi. The chapter then proceeds to identify conjugate words. The chapter concludes with an introduction to simple sentences of the grammatically correct word association.  The important points discussed in the chapter can be summarised in the following points.

  • Identification of different sounds

  • Pronunciation of simple words

  • Word formation using two alphabets

  • Word formation using three alphabets

  • Simple sentence formation

  • Questions and answer type conversation

The syllabus of class 6 Hindi is specifically designed to introduce kids to the grammatical and literary tools of the Hindi literature. A thorough study of the syllabus can help students to excel academically and create a deeper understanding of the subjects. 

NCERT Solution for Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 1 Kalam 

When it comes to scoring good in a language subject, then there are no shortcuts that students can take. It is important for all students to focus on hard work and not constantly think about results.

At the end of the day, students need to remember that writing and reading skills in languages cannot be acquired in a single day. Hence, the best bet for any student would be to focus on solving NCERT questions and proceed from there.

But what if you don’t even know whether the answers you are writing are correct or not? In that case, it is advised that students should download NCERT solved questions pdf from Vedantu.

These solved questions pdf files are available for free. Students can view these documents on almost any device. And further, students can rest assured that all the answers mentioned in the document are 100% accurate and reliable.

Durva Class 6 Chapter 1: Kalam

Chapter 1, titled ‘Kalam’ in Class 6th NCERT book, is a basic chapter that introduces students to basic items that students use in their daily lives. This is a very easy chapter that students can master with a little bit of practice.

The teachers can make the studying of this chapter more interesting by asking students to bring a list of items from their own homes. Students can also be asked to write the names of things that they can observe around them in the classroom.

Marks Weightage of Class 6  Durva Chapter 1 Solution

Chapter 1 of Class 6th  Durva NCERT book introduces students to an easy name based exercise that many students can enjoy. In this chapter, students can be asked all sorts of questions, ranging from short answer type questions to long answer type questions.

Questions can also be different in regards to marks. Some questions could be of 1 mark while others could be worth up to 5 marks. Hence, students should be prepared for all types of questions.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 6th Hindi Durva Chapter 1

There are many benefits that a student can experience if he or she decides to download NCERT solutions for Chapter 1 of Class 6th Hindi  Durva book. Some of those benefits are mentioned below.

  • All solutions are written by the best teachers in India.

  • Solutions are written according to the guidelines set by CBSE.

  • Students can enroll in online classes and post their queries online.

  • Students can also engage in lively discussions with their fellow learners and educators on the Vedantu platform.

  • The file can be downloaded for free.

These are all the major benefits that students can experience by downloading the solutions pdf. If you also wish to avail of these benefits, then install the Vedantu app today!

How Would Vedantu Study Material Help in Making Learning More Interesting?

We at Vedantu believe that there is nothing more expressive and mightier than education. Education is the one tool that can teach a student anything and everything that he or she might need to become successful. This is why we wish to make learning accessible and more interesting for all students.

We provide students with a number of academic services. Students can download solved NCERT questions from the Vedantu platform. If a student wants to learn a new topic or chapter, then he or she can also enroll in live classes.

In case of further doubts, students can post their queries on the Vedantu platform. And one of our in-house teachers will reply to that query with the answer as soon as possible. Students can take advantage of all these services and more by installing the Vedantu app today!

Other Related Sources of NCERT Solutions:

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 1 - Kalam

1. Are the Solved NCERT Questions pdf Available for Free?

Yes, students can download the pdf file for free from the Vedantu platform.

2. I Have Gone Through the Answers, But I Still Don’t Understand. What Should I Do?

It is okay if you are unable to understand the answer or the question. To get a better idea, students can also refer to the explanation section that is mentioned after the answer. This section will help you to understand the answers in a better way.

3. I Don’t Have a Good Internet Connection. Can I Still Download the pdf File?

The size of the pdf file is small. This means that all students can download this file irrespective of the speed or quality of their internet connection.

4. What Chapter 1 of Hindi Textbook - Durva  is about and how do I find its solutions?

Chapter 1 "Kalam'' explains some fundamental vocabulary for students to learn.  The chapter also contains various types of interactive, verbal, and written exercises. Students can expect to find solutions to each of these exercises on Vedantu. Furthermore, students can view explanations of the chapter, its weightage in the exam, and other important details related to the chapter. Vedantu's NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 "Kalam" of Class 6 Hindi Textbook Durva provides a wholesome overview of the chapter for students’ practice and preparation. The solutions are free of cost and also available on Vedantu Mobile app.

5. Is Chapter 1 "Kalam" of Class 6 Hindi Textbook Durva a difficult chapter? 

Chapter 1 "Kalam" is very basic and is not difficult at all. If students read the chapter a couple of times and practice writing the words mentioned in the chapter they will be able to master the chapter easily. Practising the textbook exercise questions using Vedantu's Solutions for "Kalam" will also intensify students’ mastery over the chapter. So there is no need to find this chapter intimidating. You can score perfect marks in this chapter using little practice. 

6. What is the correct way of revising Chapter 1 "Kalam" of Class 6 Hindi Textbook Durva?

Chapter 1 "Kalam" can be learned extremely well in simple steps:

a)Read the chapter multiple times.

b)Say out loud the new vocabulary learned in this chapter. Try to picture the words in your mind as you say them orally.

c)Practice writing the words introduced in chapters 3-4 times in a separate notebook.

d)Also, efficiently practice all the exercises in the textbook. You can use Vedantu's Solutions for the same.

e)Self-evaluate yourself by revising the chapter with your parents or friends.

7. What is the various vocabulary introduced in Chapter 1 “Kalam”?

Chapter 1 "Kalam" introduces pretty simple and basic vocabulary that Class 6 students will find to be a piece of cake. These are words used very often in our day-to-day conversation and hence students should already be familiar with them. These are words like kalam, anaar, makaan, aam, nal, naak, maala, karma, kaan, etc. 

Although students are already familiar with these words, they must still practice writing them proficiently so that they do not make spelling mistakes in exams.

8. What type of questions can students expect from Chapter 1 “Kalam” in the examination?

Students can expect various questions ranging from 1 mark to 5 marks in their examination from this chapter. These may be short answer type questions like make your sentences, fill in the blanks, match the words to suitable pictures, true or false type questions, and short sentence answers. 

Therefore it is necessary that along with understanding and memorization, children perform a lot of written practice for chapters in the Durva textbook. This will provide them with the necessary skill to perform exceptionally well in exams.