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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Chapter 1 - Mata Ka Anchal

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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Kritika Chapter 1 - Mata Ka Anchal PDF Download

Class 10th board examinations are a nightmare for every student. But not anymore, with Vedantu you can ace the examinations with top marks by accessing free NCERT Solutions for each subject and every chapter. Why go out and attend long boring hours of tuition when you can sit comfortably at home and attend live classes as well as access free materials on Vedantu.

Vedantu provides you with excellent solutions for Class 10th Hindi Kritika NCERT textbook written by experts in the language. It is proven to be very useful for the board examinations and the exams at your school. The materials are categorized chapter-wise and can be downloaded easily with literally no effort.


NCERT Solutions for Class 10


Class 10 Hindi

Subject Part:

Hindi Part 1 - Kritika

Chapter Name:

Chapter 1 - Mata Ka Anchal


Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

  • Chapter Wise

  • Exercise Wise

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  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

You can also download NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths and NCERT Solution for Class 10 Science to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Chapter 1- माला का आँचल


1. प्रस्तुत पाठ के आधार पर यह कहा जा सकता है कि बच्चे का अपने पिता से अधिक जुड़ाव था, फिर भी विपदा के समय वह पिता के पास न जाकर माँ की शरण लेता है। आपकी समझ से इसकी क्या वजह हो सकती है?

उत्तर: माता से बच्चे का रिश्ता ममता पे आधारित होता है जबकि पिता से बच्चे का रिश्ता स्नेह से रहता है इसलिए जब बच्चा विपदा की परिस्थिति में होता है तो वह ममता से भरे स्नेह का भूखा होता है जिसके कारण वह पिता के पास न जा कर माला की आँचल में छुप जाता है। हमने अक्सर देखा है की जब हमें दर्द होता है तो हम माँ या मम्मी कह कर चिल्लाते है पिता या पापा कह कर नहीं वह इसलिए ककी बच्चा माँ के पास पिता से ज्यादा प्यार और ममता पता है। इसलिए भोलानाथ का अपने पिता से अपार प्रेम होने के बाद भी वह माँ को ही याद किया करता था।

2. आपके विचार से भोलानाथ अपने साथियों को देखकर सिसकना क्यों भूल जाता है?

उत्तर: पल में रोना पल में है देना बच्चो का स्वाभाव होता है भोलानाथ भी जब अपने उम्र के अपने मित्रो के साथ होता है तो बहुत खुश होता है व् खेलने में रूचि लेता है उसे अपने मित्रो के साथ तरह-तरह के खेल खेलने में बहुत आनंद आता है। अपने मित्रो को खेलता देख वह भी उनमे रम जाता है इसलिए वह अपने मित्रो के साथ सिसकना भूल जाता है।

3. भोलानाथ और उसके साथियों के खेल और खेलने की सामग्री आपके खेल और खेलने की सामग्री से किस प्रकार भिन्न है?

उत्तर: भोलानाथ व उसके साथी खिलने के लिए आंगन में पड़ी चीजों का इस्तेमाल करते थे। वह मिट्टी के बर्तन, व घर का छोटा मोटा सामान ही इस्तेमाल करते थे और इन्ही चीजों से खेलने पर उनको ख़ुशी मिलती थी लेकिन आज के दौर की बात करे तो अब के बच्चे इन चीजों से खेलना पसंद नहीं करेंगे। अब के बच्चो के लिए खेलने के सामान में बहुत कुछ है जैसे क्रिकेट का सेट, डॉक्टर का सेट, किचन का सेट तरह-तरह के वीडियो गेम्स। भोलानाथ व् उसके साथियो के खेलने के सामान में कोई खर्चा नहीं होता।

4. पाठ में आए ऐसे प्रसंगों का वर्णन कीजिए जो आपके दिल को छू गए हों?

उत्तर: इस पाठ में माता-पिता का बच्चो के प्रति जो प्रेम दर्शाया गया है वह मन को छू लेने वाला है। यहाँ जब बच्चे अपने मित्रो के साथ खेलते है तो उनका बच्चो के साथ कितना मेल-मिलाप है व् लगाव है यह दिखाई देता है।

5. इस उपन्यास के अंश में तीस के दशक की ग्राम्य संस्कृति का चित्रण है। आज की ग्रामीण संस्कृति में आपको किस तरह के परिवर्तन दिखाई देते हैं।

उत्तर: तीस के दशक के लोग बहुत ही साधारण व् सीधे स्वाभाव के हुआ करते थे।  लोग मिल-जल कर रहा करते थे व् एक दूसरे के साथ त्योहारों को बनाया करते थे यहाँ बचपन से ही बच्चो को वो बाटे सिखाई व समझाई जाती थी जिससे की वह अपने आने वाले समय में खुद को अच्छी रह पर लेजा सके। और यही पर अगर हम बात करे आज की तो आज के इस नए दौर में काफी बदलाव आए है अब लोग जाती, धर्, भेद-भाव जैसी चीजों को मैंने लगे है जिसके कारण वह इन चीजों पर अमल कर के दुसरो को दुःख पोहचते है।

6. यहाँ माता-पिता का बच्चे के प्रति जो वात्सल्य अक्त हुआ है उसे अपने शब्दों में लिखिए।

उत्तर:  भोलानाथ के पिता उससे बहुत प्रेम करते है उसके प्रति बहुत स्नेह रखते है सुबह से लेकर शाम तक वह भोलानाथ के साथ ही अपना सारा वक़्त निकलते है। भोलानाथ को सुबह उठाना उसको नेहलाना उसके साथ सारे काम करना। व् उसके दोस्तों के साथ भी खेल में शामिल होना एक अच्छा पिता होने का संकेत देता है।

भोलानाथ की माता वात्सल्य उससे बेहत प्रेम करती है उसके भोजन के लिए तरह-तरह के भोजन पकाना एक अच्छी माँ होने का संकेत देता है।  अपने बच्चो को दुखी देख कर माँ का हृदय पिघल जाता है और वह रोने लगती है।

7. माता का अँचल शीर्षक की उपयुक्तता बताते हुए कोई अन्य शीर्षक सुझाइए।

उत्तर: लेखक ने इस कहानी का नाम माता का आँचल रखा है इस पाठ में माँ के आँचल को समझाने का प्रयास किया है भोलानाथ को अपने माता-पिता दोनों से बहुत प्रेम प्राप्त हुआ भोलानाथ का पूरा दिन अपने पिता के साथ ही बिता करता था। पिता उसके हर सुख-दुःख में उसका साथ देते थे परन्तु जब वह सांप को देख कर डर जाता है तो अपने पिता के पास न जा क्र अपनी माता जी के आँचल में छुप जाता है। माँ उसके दुःख से दुखी है उसके भय से भयभीत है वह बस अपने पुत्र की पीड़ा को सुलझाने में लग जाती है।

8. बच्चे माता-पिता के प्रति अपने प्रेम को कैसे अभिव्यक्त करते हैं?

1.माता-पिता की गोद में डर कर बैठ जाना।

2. माता-पिता के साथ भिन्न-भिन्न प्रकार की नाते करना।

3. उसके माता पिता उसका बेहद ख़याल रखते है

9. इस पाठ में बच्चों की जो दुनिया रची गई है वह आपके बचपन की दुनिया से किस तरह भिन्न है?

उत्तर:  यह कहानी उस समय की कहानी दिखती है जब बच्चो के पास खेलने के लिए अधिक सामान नहीं हुआ करता था  उनके पास मिटटी के बर्तन,खेत, पानी, के खेलने के साधन हुआ करते थे। परन्तु आज के बच्चो की दुनिया पूरा समय के बच्चो से बहुत अलग है। आज के बच्चो के पास खेलने क लिए अलग-अलग प्रकार के गेम्स, व सामान है।

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Kritika Chapter 1 - Mata Ka Anchal PDF Download

Father Bholanath used to make the children sleep with him, wake them up in the morning, and take a bath. At the time of worship, he made him sit near him and applied tilak like Shankar ji, which gave happiness to the author. After the worship, the father used to take him on his shoulder to feed the fishes in the Ganges and put the tablets of flour wrapped in slips written in the name of Ram and swing them on the branches of the trees falling on the way while returning. When he came home, Babuji used to feed him with his own hands by making him sit on the square. On his refusal, his mother used to feed him with a lot of love by making pieces of parrot, myna, pigeon, laughing, peacock, etc.

While going out after having dinner, the mother used to grab them in a jiffy, and even after crying, she used to comb the hair with oil. Wearing a kurta cap and braiding a top, the writer used to come out in Babuji's lap, crying, as soon as he came out, he used to drown in fun with a bunch of children. They used to sit on the platform and do tamasha and drama and set up a sweet shop.

Once on the way, a group of boys teased Moosan Tiwari by calling him dishonest. Musan Tiwari reached the school, the teacher thrashed the writer a lot. Hearing this, the father came to school and requested the teacher to bring him home.

Describing the mischief of the author in the story, it has been told that the writer, along with the friend circle, used to try to catch the birds in the fields. When the birds had flown away, when he went ahead on a mound and poured the surrounding water in the rat's burrow, a snake came out of it. When the writer reached home, falling and falling due to fear, the father was sitting in front of him, but the writer felt more security in going inside and hugging his mother. The mother, frightened, cleaned her dust with an aanchal and applied turmeric.

NCERT Class 10 Hindi Kritika Chapterwise Solutions

NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Hindi Kritika Chapter 1 - Mata Ka Aanchal

The first chapter of Kritika Class 10th Hindi Textbook of NCERT Mata ka Anchal was written by the famous Hindi novelist Acharya Shivpujan Sahay often shortened to Shivpujan Sahay. The chapter which reflects the beauty of village life in every aspect portrays the connection between the narrator and his mother. The narrator identifies himself as Tarakeshwar in the chapter.

The chapter starts with how Tarakeshwar’s father puts him to sleep, wakes him in the morning, and bathes him. The chapter further explains how Tarakeshwar interacts with his father, goes with him to feed fish at the Ganges, worshipping with him, and also how father used to try and feed him. When Tarakeshwar resisted, his mother always stepped in and used multiple methods to feed him like showing him different birds and animals and making funny comments. 

Even though the chapter talks about the narrator and his father more it pays its due to the title by showing how always he used to run to his mother for comfort. The chapter focuses on the values of motherhood and how a mother is irreplaceable to a child. 

Mata Ka Aanchal written by Shivpujan Sahay in the Kritika Hindi textbook of NCERT for Class 10th has 11 questions all of which have been solved for you by experts at Vedantu. The answers to these questions are in a simple and easily comprehensible manner so that students can understand clearly and study rather than just gobbling up the answers.

Solutions For Class 10th Hindi NCERT

Vedantu provides NCERT Solutions for Class 10th Hindi as per the latest syllabus prescribed by CBSE. As per the syllabus, there are four textbooks prescribed for Class 10th students in Hindi. 

The first book prescribed by the board is Kritika of which the first chapter is explained above. Kritika has a total of five chapters in total according to the revised syllabus. The second book is Kshitij which has seventeen chapters prescribed by CBSE for the board examinations. The third book Sanchayan has only three chapters mentioned in the revised syllabus. Sparsh, the fourth NCERT textbook for Class 10th CBSE Hindi students has a total of seventeen chapters.  

With a total of forty-two chapters from all the four books, every chapter has numerous exercises including question answers, grammar exercises, and other tasks. The question paper for 2024-25 Class 10th board examinations will be based on all these exercises which imply the importance of these. Vedantu provides you with extensive solutions of all these exercises in NCERT Class 10th Hindi textbooks. 

NCERT Solutions of Class 10th Hindi are carefully prepared by experts in the field having long years of teaching experience. These are drafted to guide the students through the learning process smoothly. These solutions are downloadable in PDF format free of cost through the Vedantu website.

NCERT Class 10 Hindi Other Books Solutions

As discussed, there are a total of 4 books for Class 10 Hindi prescribed by the CBSE. You can find the solutions to the other three books by following the links given below:

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Other Subjects 

Vedantu provides solutions for all subjects for Class 10 for students to prepare for their board exams. Click on these links to download the NCERT Solutions for all subjects of Class 10.

Along with this, students can also view additional study materials provided by Vedantu, for Class 10.

Vedantu – The Perfect Board Exam Companion

Vedantu offers you the go-to materials for your 10th class CBSE Board Examinations. Categorizing the whole syllabus into the various subjects, each subject is covered section by section. English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science – every subject is thoroughly covered through study materials as well as live classes.

These materials and classes are covered by experts who know the important portions to be covered and the perspective in which the learning process is to be carried out. The NCERT Solutions for Class 10th are extremely helpful in improving the students' grasp on the subject matter of each chapter and thus helping you to understand better and structure a better answer in the actual exam. 

In addition to the online live classes and offline material support, Vedantu also provides additional support to the students through sample papers, question banks, and a detailed revised syllabus. All the materials provided are according to the latest syllabus which the CBSE updated recently by reducing about thirty percent of the syllabus due to the Covid 19 pandemic.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Chapter 1 - Mata Ka Anchal

1. Will the NCERT Solutions of Kritika Hindi Class 10th help in scoring good marks in the CBSE board exam?

Class 10th NCERT Solutions for Kritika offers the students a complete and comprehensive view of the total of five chapters in the textbook. All the exercises of the five chapters- Mata ka Anchal, George Pancham ki Naak, Saana Saana Hath Jodi, Ahi Thaiya Jhulani Herani Ho Ram, Main Kyo Likhta Hoon are completely covered in the solution PDF. Each of the given chapters is value-based lessons and the exercises at the end of each chapter form the basis of questions appearing in the board exam. Therefore the NCERT solution for Class 10th Hindi Kritika by Vedantu aids you in scoring higher marks. 

2. Does any website provide all the materials for Class 10th CBSE Board examinations?

Vedantu is the best and most popular website providing all the materials for Class 10th Board Examinations at one destination. The online live classes at Vedantu are undertaken by subject experts having superior knowledge and high experience. The NCERT Solutions of Class 10th are the best among those available on the web which provides you with all-around information on the subject matter that is too free of cost in PDF format. Vedantu also offers students Sample question papers, Question banks, updated syllabus, and many other services. 

3. Can I download NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 “Mata Ka Anchal” of Class 10 Hindi Kritika PDF for free?

Yes, you can now download NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 “Mata Ka Anchal” of Class 10 Hindi Kritika from the Vedantu website. To download the solutions:

  1. Visit the page NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Kritika.

  2. The next page contains a list of chapters in Kritika. Select the Chapter 1 “Mata Ka Anchal” from that page.

  3. The solutions will be displayed on the screen. You can either read the solutions directly or download them by clicking on Download PDF.

4. Can I open these NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 “Mata Ka Anchal” of Class 10 Hindi Kritika on my smartphone?

Yes, you can open NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 “Mata Ka Anchal” of Class 10 Hindi Kritika on your smartphone too. You can view the entire PDF directly from the website or download the Vedantu app and access solutions chapter-wise in a PDF format for better convenience. This way, you can access these solutions even without the availability of an internet connection. You can also find solutions for other books in Class 10 Hindi, such as Kshitij, Sanchayan, and Sparsh.

5. What is the main theme of Chapter 1 “Mata Ka Anchal” of Class 10 Hindi Kritika?

Chapter 1 “Mata Ka Anchal” is written by Acharya Shivpujan Sahay. This Chapter is a recollection of the author’s childhood memories. It includes all the events of his everyday life, right from how his mother fed him to how his father played with him. It very beautifully talks about the bond between a child and both his parents.

6. How do NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 of Class 10 Hindi Kritika by Vedantu help in studying?

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Kritika are very useful in preparing for Chapter 1 “Mata ka Anchal”. Hindi, being a language, can be quite daunting to study, especially for those to whom it is not native. It is important to get the right understanding and guidance for these subjects. Vedantu provides answers written in simple language, covering all the points of the chapter so that all students can benefit and score marks easily.

7. Is NCERT Chapter 1 “Mata ka Anchal” of Class 10 Hindi Kritika a difficult chapter?

“Mata Ka Anchal” is the first Chapter from the Hindi Kritika. It is one of the important prose chapters in the NCERT Class 10 Hindi syllabus. The difficulty of the Chapter depends on the student. It is a pretty simple story, but the author, Acharya Shivpujan Sahay, has used many grammatical tools and figures of speech while writing this piece. Simply put, the Chapter is moderately difficult and can be made easier with the help of Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions.