What are Roman Numerals?
In Mathematics, the numeral method in which the numbers in the systems are expressed using various combinations of letters is known as roman numerals. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X are the most frequently used roman numerals from 1 to 10. The numbers IV and IX represent the numbers 4 and 9, respectively, in these notations. Here, IV stands for "one less than 5," and IX stands for "one less than 10”. Here, we will cover “XXXIX Roman Numeral” in-depth in this article, including its description, conversion, and many more solved instances.
Instead of using place value notation, roman numerals use the base ten system or decimal system. The Arabic numeral will be represented by a combination of symbols. Many of the Roman numerals are written in the English alphabet. However, Roman numerals are not used in all English alphabets.
There are seven different symbols that play a significant role in the creation of Roman numerals. Each symbol is assigned a unique integer value. The following are the seven essential symbols and their integer values:
Roman Numeral and its Value
Roman Letters
While all alphabets are roman alphabets, not all alphabets are roman alphabets. Out of the 26 English alphabets, there are 23 roman letters, with J, U, and W being the exceptions. As a result, the roman letters are as follows:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, V, X, Y, and Z are the letters of the alphabet.
The roman numbers are represented by all of these characters. The year 2019 is written as MMXIX, for example.
The combination of two numerals XX, for example, equals 20. We realize that “x” stands for the number ten. As a result, XX = 10 + 10 = 20.
Similarly, we can make a variety of roman numerals using these seven symbols.
XXXIX Roman Numeral Value
The roman numeral XXXIX has the name of "39." XXXIX = XXX+ IX = 30+9 = 39 can be appended to this.
(For instance, XXX = X+X+ X = 10+10+10 = 30.)
As a result, XXXIX is a Roman numeral that denotes the number 39.
If a number has more than one digit, it is constructed by appending different roman numerals from the highest to the lowest value.
The "Subtractive Notations" are used to write various Roman numerals. We use the subtractive forms of common use to prevent clumsiness when writing the Roman numeral. The use of a variety of Roman symbols allows for a lot of versatility, and some of the applications use Roman numerals. The following are a few Roman numerals that use subtractive forms:
4 = IV
9 = IX
XL = 40
XC = 90
CD = 400
CM = 900
Other examples of Roman numerals in combination include:
245 = CC + XL +V = CCXLV
207 = CC+VII = CCVII
XXVI Roman Numerals
We know that X represents the 10,V represents 5 and i represents value 1.
So value of xxvi roman numerals =10+10+5+1=26
XXV Roman Numeral
Value of xxv roman numeral = 10+10+5=25
XXX Roman Numerals
The roman value XXX corresponds to the value 30 as X represents value 10.
Converting Roman Numeral to Numbers
The following are two basic rules for converting a roman numeral to a number:
The values should be applied if a symbol appears after a larger symbol. XI = X + I = 10+1 = 11 is an example.
The values should be subtracted if a symbol appears before a larger symbol. IX = X-1 = 10-1= 9 is an example.
The other way to write numbers is in Roman numerals. They can appear to be different, but they are the same. For instance, the Roman numeral XXXIX corresponds to the number 39. The Roman numerals for the numbers 1 to 50 are shown in the table below.
List of Roman Numerals From 1 to 50
It is important to remember that the same symbol can not be used more than three times in a row. For example, the number 4 is written as IV rather than IIII.
Numbers Close to XXXIX
The following are a few numbers and their conversions that are closer to XXXIX.
Value of XXXV = 10 + 10 + 10 + 5 = 35
Value of XXXVI = 10 + 10 + 10 + 5 + 1 = 36
Value of XXXVII = 10 + 10 + 10 + 5 + 1 + 1 = 37
Value of XXXVIII = 10 + 10 + 10 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 38
Value of XXXIX = 10 + 10 + 10 + 9 = 39
Value of XL = 50 – 10 = 40
Value of XLI = 50 – 10 + 1 = 41
Value of XLII = 50 – 10 + 1 + 1 = 42
Value of XLIII = 50 – 40 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 43
XXXV Roman Numerals
The value of the roman numeral XXXV is equivalent to the 35. XXXV will have a combined value of (10 + 10 + 10 + 5) = 35.
Or we can write as XXXV can be written as (30 + 5) which is 35
XXVIII in Numbers
The roman numeral X is equivalent to the natural number 20. The number V represents natural number 5 and i represents value 1. So iii value is 3.
Hence xxviii = 20+5+3=28
Converting Numbers to Roman Numerals
In Roman Numerals, a number is made up of the symbols (or letters/characters) C, D, I, L, M, V, X written in a particular order. In certain cases, such as IIII or XXXX, a subtractive notation is used to prevent four characters being duplicated in sequences, as seen below.
When “I” comes before V or X, it denotes one less; for example, four is IV (one less than 5), and nine is IX (one less than 10).
If we put an “X” before a letter like L or C, it means ten less, so 40 is XL (10 less than 50), and 90 is XC (10 less than 100)
When “C” comes before “D” or “M,” it denotes a hundred less. As a result, CD is 400 (100 less than 500), and CM is 900. (100 less than 1000)
Split the numbers into thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones if we have to translate them to Roman numerals. For example, 1439 into Roman numeral is:
1439 = 1000+400+30+9
1000 = M
400 = CD
30 = XXX
9 = IX
As a result, the number 1439 corresponds to the roman numeral:
1439 = M+CD+XXX+IX
Following are the Few Applications of Roman Numerals
Analog watches and clocks use Roman numerals.
They're used in copyright for things like television shows, videos, and the release date of a movie, among other things.
In the first few pages of a novel, this term is used.
Solved Examples
1.Convert the number 1786 into the Roman numeral form.
Sol: We'll start by dividing 1786 into thousands, hundreds, tens, and units.
1786 we can write as 1000 + 700 + 80 + 6
1000 = M
700 = DCC
80 = LXXX
6 = VI
Therefore, 1786 = MDCCLXXXVI
2.Convert the Number 9143 into the Roman Numeral.
Sol: Let's break the number 9143 down into thousands, hundreds, tens, and units.
9143 can be written as 9000 + 100 + 40 + 3
9000 =\[\overline{IX}\]
100 = C
40 = XL
3 = III
9143 =\[\overline{IX}\]CXLII
Example 3. Write 68 in roman numerals.
68 = 60 + 8
= (50 + 10) + 8
So,68 = LXVIII
Example 4. Convert 1983 into the roman numeral.
Break the number 1984 into 1000, 900, 80 and 3, then perform each conversion
As, 1000 + 900 + 80 + 3 = 1983
1000 = M
900 = CM
80 = LXXX
3 = III
1000 + 900 + 80 + 3 = 19843
Example 5. Convert 1773 to Roman Numerals.
Break 1774 into 1000, 700, 70, 3 and then do each conversion
1000 = M
700 = DCC
70 = LXX
3 = III
1000+700+70+3 = 1773,
Hence, 1773 = MDCCLXXIII
FAQs on XXXIX Roman Numeral
1. What are Roman Numerals?
It is a way to represent numbers. It consists of a collection of symbols with a predetermined value. The Roman numeral XXXIX, for example, equals the number 39.
2. How to Solve Roman Numerals?
The three steps to solve the roman numerals are as follows.
Convert given Roman numerals to decimal numbers.
Solve the problem as normal.
Convert the answer back to a Roman numeral.
3. How to Use the Roman Numeral Calculator?
The procedure to use the roman numeral calculator is as follows:
Step 1: Type the desired number into the appropriate input field.
Step 2: To get the answer, press the "Solve" button.
Step 3: Finally, in the output region, the roman numeral for the given number will be displayed.
4. How to download the XXXIX Roman Numeral Conversion provided by the Vedantu Website?
The solutions for XXXXIX Roman Numeral Solution in the PDF format can be found on the Vedantu website and can be accessed for free. Alternatively, the solutions can also be accessed by clicking here. The solutions have been created by a panel of experts at Vedantu in conjunction with the relevant instruction by the CBSE board. The RD Sharma Solutions are designed like the actual questions asked for the examination. It will enable students to understand their progress.
5. What are Roman Numerals, and what is the importance of learning about it?
Any of the symbols used in a system of number notation based on the ancient Roman system are known as a Roman numeral. When a sign of equal or more value is inserted after another of equal or greater value, its value is added; for example, II = 2 and LX = 60. When a sign precedes a symbol with a larger value, the value of that symbol is subtracted; for example, IV = 4, XL = 40, and CD = 400. When you lay a bar over a number, it multiplies it by 1,000.
Although the Roman numerals date back to hundreds of years ago, we still see its usage all around us. Building cornerstones, movie credits and titles are some examples of where Roman numerals are still used. They also appear in the names of kings, popes, ships, and athletic events like the Olympics and the Super Bowl. In astronomy, Roman numerals are used to name moons, and in chemistry, they are used to designate Periodic Table groupings. Thus learning the Roman numerals is an important and necessary requirement even in today's world.
6. Convert the following English numbers into Roman numerals given below for practice:
(i) 16
(ii) 31
(iii) 19
(iv) 37
(v) 14
(vi) 21
(vii) 15
(viii) 36
7. What are some rules while writing Roman Numerals?
Here are the rules to follow while doing Roman Numeral conversion using examples. If we have to express a number in roman numerals, there are some requirements to follow. Please review the following rules.
The symbol's value is multiplied by the number of times it is repeated. (For example, III – 3, XX – 20, and XXX – 30.)
A symbol can only be used three times or less, for example, XXX = 30, CC = 200, etc.
The symbols V, L, and D are never used more than once.
When a symbol with a lower value occurs after a symbol with a higher value, the values of both symbols are added. VII = V + II = 5 + 2 = 7 is an example.
When a symbol with a lower value occurs before a symbol with a higher value, it will be removed. IX = X – I = 10 – 1 = 9 is an example.
The three alphabets that are V, L, and D are never subtracted during Roman conversion, the reason being they are not written before a greater value symbol.
The symbol "I" can only be subtracted from the two symbols V and X, whereas symbol X can only be subtracted from the three symbols L, M, and C.
8. How to develop skills for doing Roman Numeral Conversion easily?
The use of Roman numerals dates back to 800 B.C. They make little and huge numerals by combining seven fundamental letters. Learning how to convert Roman numerals helps students to increase their mental Math skills. In order to develop the required skills to for Roman Numeral Conversion, students should follow the following steps:
Start with the basics, get thorough with the basics starting from 1-20
Once students have a grasp on the basic numerical conversion, students should move to difficult numbers and practice converting numbers into Roman numerals.
Practicing the above steps repeatedly and diligently on a daily basis will enable students to get the required practice and also learn time management skills.