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Relation and Its Types

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Types of Relation in Maths

The relationship between the elements of different pairs of sets is termed as relations between the sets. 

The set consisting of all the x-values is called the domain while the set consisting of all the y-values is called the range.

For example- The following table represents the x-value and y-value in separate columns.













After pairing each pair in the same order as they are listed.

Ordered Pair = {(1 , 6) , (-3 , 2) , (5 , 0) , (-1 , -5) , (4 , 2)}

Domain= {1 , -3 , 5 , -1 , 4}

Range= {6 , 2 , 0 , -5 , 2}

We often speak of relations between any two or more objects.

Representation of a Relation Math

There are three ways to represent a relation in mathematics.

(Image will be updated soon)

Here’s a Little Description of all the Three Ways of Representation of a Relation Math.

1. Roster Form

Roster form is basically a representation of a set which lists down all of the elements present in the set and are separated by commas and enclosed within braces. For example, 

Let us take set A = {1,2,3,4,5} and another set B= {1,2,3,4,5…………20}

And let us assume R be a relation ‘has its square, from set A to set B, then 

R= {(1,1), (2,4), (3,9), (4,16)}

2. Set- builder form 

A shorthand method which is used to write sets and is often used for sets with an infinite number of elements. It is used with different types of numbers, such as integers, real numbers and so on. The set - builder form is also used to express sets with an interval or an equation.

Suppose we have a given set:



Let’s write the given set in set-builder form,

3×1= 3

3×2= 6

3×3= 9

3×4= 12

{x: x = 3n, n∈N and 1≤n≤4}

  3. By arrow diagram

In the by arrow diagram method, the relation between sets is denoted by drawing arrows from first components to the second components of all the pairs which belong to the relation.

(Image will be updated soon)

Different Types of Relations in Mathematics

There are different types of relations in math which define the connection between the sets. There are eight types of relations in mathematics,

Here are the Types of Relations in Mathematics-

Empty Relation

Reflexive Relation

Transitive Relation

Anti-symmetric Relation

Universal Relation

Inverse Relation

Equivalence Relation

1. What is an Empty Relation?

  • If no element of set X is related or mapped to any of the elements of set Y, then the relation is known as an Empty Relation.

  • An empty relation is also known as a void relation.

  • We can write an empty Relation R = ø.

  • Let us take an example if suppose we have a set X consisting of exactly 200 elephants in a farm. Are there any chances of finding a relation of getting a rabbit in the poultry farm? No! The relation R is a void or empty relation since there are only 200 elephants and no rabbits.

2. What is a Universal Relation?

  • A relation R in a set, let’s say we have a universal Relation A because, in this relation, each element of A is related to every element of A, such that the Relation R = A×A.

  • Universal Relation can also be known as a Full relation as every element of set A is related to every element in B.

  • Let’s take an example, suppose we have set A which consists of all the natural numbers and set B which consists of all whole numbers. Then the relation between set A and set B is universal since every element of set A is in set B.

  • An empty and universal relation can also be known as a trivial relation.

3. What is an Identity Relation?

  • A relation is called an identity relation if every element of set A is related to itself only.

  • It is represented as I = {(A, A), ∈ a}.

  • For example, when we throw two dice, the number of possible outcomes we get is equal to 36: (1,1), (1,2) ……. (6,6). Now, let’s define a function R: {(1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (4,4), (5,5), (6,6)}, such a relation is known as an identity relation.

4. What is an Inverse Relation?

  • Suppose we have a relation R from set A to set B, R∈ A×B. Then the inverse relation of R can be written as R-1 = {(b, a) :(a, b) ∈ R}.

  • Let us take an example of throwing two dice if relation R = {(1,2), (2,3)} then the inverse relation R-1 can be written as R-1= {(2,1), (3,2)}.

  • Here, the domain of R is the range of the inverse function R-1 and vice versa.

5. What is a Reflexive Relation?

  • If every element of set A maps for itself, then set A is known as a reflexive relation.

  • It is represented as a∈ A, (a,a) ∈ R . 

6. What is a Symmetric Relation?

  • A relation R on a set A is known as asymmetric relation if (a, b) ∈R then (b, a) ∈R , such that for all a and b ∈A.

7. What is a Transitive Relation?

  • A relation R in a set A is said to be transitive if (a, b) ∈R , (b, c) ∈R , then (a, c) ∈R such that for all a, b, c ∈A.

8. What is an Equivalence Relation?

  • A relation is said to be an equivalence relation if (if and only if) it is Transitive, Symmetric, and Reflexive.

How to Convert a Relation into a Function?

A special kind of relation (a set of ordered pairs) which follows a rule that every value of X must be associated with only one value of Y is known as a Function.


Questions to be Solved

Question 1) Three friends X, Y, and Z live in the same society close to each other at a distance of 4 km from each other. If we define a relation R between the distances of each of their houses. Can R be known as an equivalence relation?

Solution) We know that for an equivalence Relation, R must be reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.

R is not reflexive as X cannot be at a distance of 4 km away from itself. The relation, R can be said as symmetric as the distance between X and Y is 4 km which is the same as the distance between Y and X. R is said to be transitive as the distance between X and Y is 4 km, the distance between Y and Z is also 4 km and the distance between X and Z is also 4 km.

Therefore, this relation is not an equivalence relation.

Representation of Relations

There are two ways by which a relation can be represented-

  1. Roster method 

  2. Set-builder method

The roster form and set-builder for for a set integers lying between -2 and 3 will be-

Roster form

I= {-1,0,1,2}

Set-builder form

I= {x:x∈I,-2<x<3}

Types of Relations and Relationships

The different types of relations are as follows-

  1. Empty Relation- When there are no relations between any elements of a set, the relation is said to be an empty relation. R=

  2. Universal Relation- When all the elements in the set are related to each other, the relation is said to be a universal relation. R=A x A

  3. Identity Relation- When all the elements of set A are related to itself only, then the relation is said to be an identity relation. I={(a,a),∈A}

  4. Inverse Relation- When ordered pairs are obtained by interchanging each ordered pair, the relation is said to be an inverse relation. R-1={(b,a):(a,b)∈R}

  5. Reflexive Relation- When all the elements of set A map to themselves, then the relation is said to be a reflexive relation. If A={a,b}, then R{(a,a),(b,b)}

  6. Symmetric Relation- When (a,b)R,(b,a)∈R, for all a & b∈A, then the relation is said to be a symmetric relation.

  7. Transitive Relation- When (a,b)∈R,(b,c)R, for all a,b,c ∈A, then (a,c)∈R

  8. Equivalence Relation- When the relation is reflexive, symmetric and transitive at the same time, then the relation is said to be an equivalence relation. 

FAQs on Relation and Its Types

1. What are functions?

The relation between a set of inputs and a set of outputs where each input is related to exactly one output is known as a function. The properties of functions are-

  • A relation is called a function when every element of set A has only one image in set B.

  • A function is a relation of a non-empty set B in such a way that the domain of the function is A and there are no two distinct ordered pairs in the function that have the same first element. 

2. What is a Cartesian product?

If there are two sets A and B, then the Cartesian products of the sets AB is defined as, the set which consists of all the ordered pairs (a,b) for aA and bB.

A x B= {(a,b):aA,bB}

The resultant sets in the Cartesian Products consist of all the possible and ordered pairs in such a way that the first element of the ordered pair will come from the first set and the second element will come from the second.

A multiplication sign is used to denote the cartesian product of two sets.

3. What are the differences between relation and function?

The major difference between relations and functions is that all functions are said to be relations but all relations cannot be functions. It is because of the reason that only one input connects to only one output in the case of a function while there is no condition in a relationship like this. In the case of a function, many to one relationships are possible which means one object can be paired with many different objects. 

4. What are some real life examples of relations and functions?

For any given input, a relation can have more than 1 output. Some examples of this in real life are-

  • Money won after buying one ticket in a lottery.

  • Number of calories in one pizza.

  • Distance you can travel with 1 liter of fuel in your tank.

5. For any given input, a function cannot have more than 1 output. Some real-life examples of this are-

  • The amount of carbon left in years old fossils.

  • Amount of drinks that can come out of a vending machine depends on the amount of money inserted.

  • The intensity of light as you dim it.

6. What is a binary relation?

The relation describing the relationships between two sets is called a binary relation. A binary relation R is from the set A to set B is the subset of the cartesian product AxB which can be written as:

R ⊆ A x B

If R ⊆ A x B is a binary relation and (a,b) ∈ R, then we say a is related to bby R. 

It is denoted by aRb.

If R ⊆ A x B and A=B, the binary relation R is called homogeneous binary relation.

Let R ⊆ A x B be a binary relation that is defined on the pair of sets A and B. The set of all a ∈ A such that aRb for at least one b ∈ B is called the domain of the binary relation R. The set of all b ∈ B such that aRb for at least one  a ∈ A is called the codomain of the binary relation R.

7. What are the Types of Relations Math?

There are many different types of relations in mathematics, 

Here they are- 

  • Empty Relation

  • Reflexive Relation

  • Symmetric Relation

  • Transitive Relation

  • Anti-symmetric Relation

  • Universal Relation

  • Inverse Relation

  • Equivalence Relation

8. What are the Different Types of Relation and Functions?

The different types of relation and functions are-

Relations Maths – 

  • Empty Relation

  • Reflexive Relation

  • Symmetric Relation

  • Transitive Relation

  • Anti-symmetric Relation

  • Universal Relation

  • Inverse Relation

  • Equivalence Relation 

Functions –

  • One to one function

  • Many to one function

  • Many to Many functions

  • One to many functions