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Maharashtra Board Class 12 Solutions for English Chapter 1.3 The Cop and The Anthem - PDF


Download Maharashtra Board Class 12 Solutions for English Chapter 1.3 The Cop and the Anthem Free PDF

Class 12 English chapter The Cop and The Anthem tells us about Soapy’s life and the choice of two different paths that he had. Students will be introduced to an interesting story about quite an amusing situation. It presents a fascinating account of his multiple attempts and how things end up ironically.

Using the Maharashtra Board Class 12 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.3 The Cop and The Anthem notes will help students understand the concept well. These practice notes are prepared by subject experts of Vedantu using simple language and the right format. Students can practice for their English board exam and use the revision note of this chapter. This chapter clearly explains Soapy's mission when he has no home and lives on a park bench.

Access Maharashtra Board Solutions for English Class 12 Section One 1.3 The Cop and the Anthem

Ice Breakers

1. Suppose you have gone to a place where the winter season is very severe, discuss with your partner the ways in which you would protect yourself in the cold climate.

Ways to protect from cold climate

  1. …………………………………………

  2. …………………………………………

  3. …………………………………………

  4. …………………………………………

Ans: Ways to protect from cold climate

  1. Make sure to protect your head, face, ears, hands, and feet with numerous layers of loose-fitting, warm clothing.

  2. Warm up the space by starting a fire in the fireplace.

  3. Maintain warmth in the body by consuming hot meals and drinks.

  4. Keep the windows and doors closed and block the entry of the chilly breeze.

2. When you see a cop approaching, you feel either ‘relieved’ or ‘scared’. Discuss with your partner the situations when you feel ‘relieved’ or ‘scared’.


  1. You are walking alone in a dark street.

  2. …………………………………………………………….

  3. …………………………………………………………….


  1. You are riding a bike without a valid driving license.

  2. …………………………………………………………….

  3. …………………………………………………………….



  1. You are walking alone in a dark street.

  2. You feel like a stranger is following you

  3. Someone steals your wallet and flees.


  1. You are riding a bike without a valid driving license.

  2. You are navigating the road on the incorrect side.

  3. You ignore red signal

3. Discuss some of the motivating things that can change a person's life. One is given :

  1. Listening to an inspiring speech

  2. ……………………………………………………….

  3. ……………………………………………………….

  4. ……………………………………………………….


  1. Listening to an inspiring speech

  2. playing a song with a positive message

  3. Taking in success stories from others

  4. interacting with those who, despite hardship, are always positive.



(i) Discuss with your partner and find out the different ways in which Soapy

tried to get arrested. The first one is given.

  1. Tried to enter a luxurious cafe.


(a) Tried to enter a luxurious cafe.

(b) Threw a stone at a shop’s window.

(c) Ate food at a modest restaurant and announced that he had no one to pay the bill. 

(d) Yelled drunken gibberish at the top of his voice on seeing a policeman.

(ii) Describe the atmosphere when Soapy reached near the Church.

  1. A soft light glowed through the violet-stained window.


  1. A soft light glowed through the violet-stained window.

  2. An organist played the organ, rehearsing for the upcoming Sabbath.

  3. The full and radiant moon was above.

  4. There were only a few vehicles and pedestrians around.


(i) Read the story and match the incidents given in Column A with the consequences given in Column B.

Column A


(1) Soapy tried to enter a cafe

The cop ran after the man.

(2) Soapy broke a glass window

Suddenly a wonderful change came in his heart.

(3) Two waiters pitched Soapy on the callous pavement.

Dream of turning around in life was shattered.

(4) Soapy heard the anthem being played in the Church.

He stood up slowly beating the dust from his clothes. 

(5) Cop arrests Soapy for hanging around.

Strong and ready hands of the head waiter turned him around.


Column A


(1) Soapy tried to enter a cafe

Strong and ready hands of the head waiter turned him around.

(2) Soapy broke a glass window

The cop ran after the man.

(3) Two waiters pitched Soapy on the callous pavement.

He stood up slowly beating the dust from his clothes. 

(4) Soapy heard the anthem being played in the Church.

Suddenly a wonderful change came in his heart.

(5) Cop arrests Soapy for hanging around.

Dream of turning around in life was shattered.

(ii) Give reasons and complete the following :

  1. Soapy had confidence in himself because

  2. The head waiter of the luxurious cafe did not allow Soapy to enter because

  3. The cop did not arrest Soapy for breaking the glass window because

  4. The cop did not arrest Soapy for shouting and dancing because


  1. He had a clean beard, a trim coat, and was wearing a tidy black bow that a female missionary had given him on Thanksgiving.

  2. He noticed that Soapy was sporting a pair of tattered trousers sneakers and decadent shoes.

  3. He hoped to be arrested by throwing a stone at the plate glass of a shop window.

  4. He was of the opinion that men who break windows don't hang around to talk to the police; they go off right away.

(iii) Pick out the lines from the text which show that:

  1. Soapy wants to enter the cafe for two reasons.

  2. Soapy was afraid that he won't be able to enter the prison.

  3. Soapy was not caught by the cop for throwing stones at the glass.

  4.  Soapy actually did not want the umbrella.

  5. Listening to the anthem, Soapy remembered his good old days.


  1. The total would not be so high as to call forth any extreme of revenge from the cafe management: and yet the meat would leave him filled and happy for the journey to his winter island.  

  2. Soapy was seized with a sudden fear that some dreadful enchantment had rendered him immune to arrest.

  3. The policeman refused to accept Soapy to be even as a clue.

  4. He hurled the umbrella angrily into an excavation.

  5. And the anthem that the organist played cemented Soapy to the iron fence, for he had known it well in the days when his life contained such things as mothers and roses, ambitions and friends and immaculate thoughts and collars. 

(iv) ‘He would make a man of himself again’ – The word ‘man’ in the sentence


Ans: In the above sentence, the word "man" refers to a responsible citizen who makes a living through honest methods.

(v) Soapy’s earlier life was much different from his present life. Complete the

table to show this contrast. One is done for you.

Earlier Life

Present Life 

(a) Contained friends and roses

(a) Unworthy desires


Earlier life

Present life 

(a) Contained friends and roses

(a) Unworthy desires

(b) Ambitions

(b) Dead hopes 

(c) Immaculate thoughts and collars

(c) An existence made up of wrecked faculties and base motives.

(vi) After listening to the sweet and solemn organ notes, Soapy decides to:


  1. Pull himself out of his current turmoil. 

  2. Go to the roaring downtown the next day and find work.

(vii) Write an incident in which you did something wrong and repented for it later. Give reasons.

Ans: My sister and I had gone camping when we were 16 years old. However, we got into a massive argument on the way back, so I made the decision to go back by myself. I made a mistake because I wasn't carrying a compass. Despite my sister's best efforts, I soon disappeared from her sight. I did get lost in the forest, just as I had feared and was unable to reach my sister. Though I made an effort to turn around, there was no way for me to be positive that I was moving in the proper direction. I made the decision to take shelter under a huge tree in the hope that my sister would come looking for me. Thankfully, by that evening, my sister had located me, and we travelled home together. I was sorry for what I did because, by acting impulsively, I not only got lost but also I did upset my sister.


(i) O’Henry has used different words to indicate prison where Soapy wants to reach. Make a list of those words.

Ans: Other phrases to describe the prison Soapy intends to enter include:

  1. Winter island

  2. Limbo

  3. Island 

  4. Coveted island

  5. Unattainable Arcadia

(ii) Find out the words used for the 'degraded state of Soapy'.


  1. Degraded days 

  2. Unworthy desires 

  3. Dead hopes 

  4. Wrecked faculties 

  5. Base motives 

(iii) The specific meaning of word 'anthem' in the content of the story is.......

Ans: In the context of the story, the word "anthem" specifically means "a song of hope." Soapy chooses to make a change in his life after hearing the anthem since it gives him hope. Soapy's thoughts are revolutionised by the anthem's lovely tones, and he makes a promise to redeem himself.


(i) Convert the following sentences into negative without changing their meanings.

  1. The policeman refused to accept Soapy even as a clue.

  2. Soapy drifted along twice unsuccessful.

  3. Soapy stopped his unavailing racket.

  4. The island seemed very far away.

  5. The island seemed an unattainable Arcadia.


  1. The policeman did not consider Soapy to be even a clue.

  2. Soapy drifted along twice without success.

  3. Soapy stopped his racket that didn’t avail anything. 

  4. The island didn't seem anywhere near.

  5. The island seemed like an Arcadia that could not be attained.

(ii) Convert the following sentences into affirmative without changing their meanings.

(a) Men who smash windows do not remain to chat with the police.

(b) Why don’t you call a cop?

(c) On the opposite side of the street was a restaurant of no great pretensions.

(d) Noisy; but no harm.

(e) They seemed to regard him as a King who could do no wrong.


  1. Men who smash windows refrain to chat with the police.

  2. You should call a cop.

      (c) On the opposite side of the street was an unpretentious restaurant. 

      (d) Noisy; but harmless.

(e) They seemed to regard him as a King who was incapable of doing anything wrong.


(i) ‘Forgiveness is often better than punishment’. Write two paragraphs – one for and another against this notion.


View on Forgiveness is often better than punishment:

A well-known saying goes, "To err is human, to forgive, divine." It is better to forgive someone when they apologise for their mistakes and move on from the situation. Someone who is forgiven is better able to reflect. It helps him recognise his error and remember to not repeat it int the next course of action. Punishments generally cause stress and embarrassment. People who receive punishment may never change because of the guilt and embarrassment they feel. Punishment immunes a person to the idea of "apology and correctiveness." Therefore, the greatest course of action is to forgive people when they sincerely apologise for their wrongdoings and feel regretful.

Counterview on Forgiveness is often better than punishment:

It's sometimes necessary to punish people when they make mistakes. Some people discover this the hard way, and only after receiving the punishment do they realise the seriousness of their mistakes. As a result, if you forgive someone, they might start taking things for granted and stop owning up to their mistakes. For example, if a pickpocket is not punished, he may go on to commit several crimes. Punishment causes fear in a person's thoughts and a realisation of the harm or damage that occurs due to their action. In the end, it discourages someone from acting in an inappropriate, unwanted, or unethical way.

(ii) You are the class representative and you have been asked by the Principal to conduct an interview of a cop. Frame 8-10 questions with the help of the following points, give introduction and conclusion.

  • reasons for joining the department

  • special trainings

  • developing the skill to identify and locate criminals

  • dealing with criminals

  • achievements and awards


Good Morning, Officer R.S. Shankar! I am Riya Jain, and I am the M.G. College class representative for grade XI. I am so happy to have you here with us today. The audience and all the kids would be thrilled to learn more about you and your field of work. 

Let's begin this interview.

  1. How long have you worked in the police force?

  2. When did you make the decision to join the police force?

  3. Why did you decide to join the police force?

  4. What specific training did you need to complete in order to become a police officer?

  5. How did you learn and perfect the ability to recognise and track down criminals?

  6. How do you handle criminals? Do you always use the same strategy?

  7. Do you believe that criminals can be changed?

  8. You've won many bravery awards. How does it feel to be a top-tier police officer in the nation?

  9. Do you think you’ve attained the goal for which you joined the force?

  10. Many young people desire to be successful police officers like you. Is there a message for them? 

We sincerely appreciate you taking the time to speak with us and sharing your expertise, Officer Shankar. As a society, we are grateful for your innumerable years of service and are proud of you. Thank you.


(i) Make a list of jobs which would give you an opportunity to help the society or serve the country. Also mention the different ways in which they can be beneficial to the people and also the country.


  • Entering the defence forces: Defend the nation's borders from outside danger and guarantee the security of its people.

  • As a social worker: Help connect those who are in need of assistance with the appropriate organisations. Assist troubled and underprivileged people in coping with challenging situations and challenges in their lives.

  • Firefighter: First responders are needed for accidents involving different types of disasters as well as fires.

  • Police Officer: To protect the community's safety, enforce the law and police the area.

(ii) Go to your school/college library and read some other stories by O’Henry like, ‘The Gift of the Magi’, ‘The Last Leaf’ and ‘After Twenty years’. Write the stories in short in your notebook.

Ans: Do it yourself.

Importance of The Cop and The Anthem Class 12 English Chapter

The chapter The Cop and The Anthem of the Class 12 English subject tells the story about Soapy. He has a criminal background and is homeless. He sleeps on the park bench. People are amused but also feel pity for his situation. The chapter further says about how Soapy creates an interesting plan. He starts creating problems in different city areas to get a better place to stay and sleep. This is because he can be caught and ends up imprisoned. It is the best place to sit and sleep on the bench, freezing during the winter.

Students will learn how Soapy used different ideas to get arrested so he could be jailed. One such was when he planned to get into a luxurious cafe, hoping not to pay the bill for the food he ate. However, he was denied entry. The second attempt was breaking the glass window of a crockery store, but the police officers suspected someone else. The chapter further explains how he passes through the church while heading back to the park and finds the Sabbath Anthem notes that create positivity in him. Self-realization brings freshness to his mind.

Students will have clear idea the self-realization Soapy gets, thanks to the easy summarization of the chapter in the note by subject experts.

Benefits of Maharashtra Board class 12th English Chapter 1.3 The Cop and The Anthem Solutions Download Notes

These Maharashtra Board Class 12th English Chapter 1.3 The Cop and The Anthem Solutions Download notes are created by subject experts of Vedantu, keeping the guidelines of the Maharashtra Board. From the theme of the chapter to the solutions to questions, everything is finely mentioned on the note.

  • Students can use the solution notes for last-minute practice before the board exam on the English subject. Students can practice this chapter well-in advance and understand the concept well.

  • Find out how subject experts have summarized the chapter in simple words. You can use the method to answer questions accurately during the exam.

  • You can also resolve doubts based on the concept by using these notes. It will help in saving your time while practicing for the board exam.

Download the Cop and The Anthem Questions Answers PDF

You can download the Cop and the Anthem questions answers pdf for easy practice before the exam. You can add these notes as a part of your board exam study material. The Maharashtra board class 12th English chapter 1.3 the cop and the anthem solutions download option is easy and handy. You just need to visit the site, search for the PDF format of this chapter and download. You are set! Start practicing and learn the concept well to score good marks in your board exam.

FAQs on Maharashtra Board Class 12 Solutions for English Chapter 1.3 The Cop and The Anthem - PDF

1. How can one protect self from cold weather?

There are different ways to protect from cold weather. Some of these are-

  • Wear woolen clothes

  • Drink hot drinks regularly

  • Stay indoor

  • Using of room heaters

2. Why it is important to have a self-realization?

Having self-realization is really important so you can live your life with clear vision and with no fear. It also brings some positiveness in life.

3. Is landing up in jail is the ideal way to get a feeling of home?

No, instead you should work hard to have a home and stay safely and peacefully. Landing in jail is for criminals.

4. Is it important to have family and friends?

Yes, it is very important because they help us to keep going in life. Moreover, you will feel contended when they are around you.

5. How you can push your ambitions upward?

There are many ways, and one such is through hardwork and being positive of what you want to achieve.