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Relation between Median and Side of Triangle

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Median and Side of Triangle Relation

To find the median value in a series of numbers, they must first be sorted or arranged in value order from lowest to highest or highest to lowest. The term "median" in mathematics has several meanings. It is the value at the center of a data set in statistics. A median in geometry is a line segment that connects an angle of a triangle to the midpoint of the opposite side of a triangle. 

A median may or may not be perpendicular to the triangle's side. A centroid is a point where the three medians intersect. The median and altitude of some triangles, such as the equilateral triangle, are the same. There are three medians in a triangle. The median is also defined as the line that connects the midpoint of a side to the opposite interior angle of a triangle. At the centroid, the medians are converging. A point of concurrency, or the centroid of a triangle, is the point at which all three medians intersect.

How to Find the Median of a Triangle?

A theorem known as Apollonius' Theorem can be used to calculate the length of a triangle's median. According to the Theorem:

The sum of the squares on any two sides of any triangle equals twice the square on half the third side plus twice the square on the median which bisects the third side. The formula is as follows, where a, b, and c are the side lengths and m is the median from interior angle A to side a:

\[m = \sqrt{\frac{2b^{2}+c^{2}-a^{2}}{4}}\]

More About the Median

The mathematical word "median" has different meanings. In statistics, it is the value lying at the center of a data set. So for a data set {3, 5, 7, 9, 11}, 7 is the median. In geometry, a median is a line segment from an angle of a triangle to the midpoint of the opposite side of a triangle. A median may or may not be perpendicular to the side of the triangle. The intersection of the 3 medians is called a centroid.

In the case of some triangles like the equilateral triangle, the median, and altitude are the same.

A triangle has 3 medians. Median can also be defined as the line from the midpoint of a side to the opposite interior angle of the triangle. The medians are concurrent at the centroid. The point which is common to all the 3 medians at their intersection is called a point of concurrency, the centroid of a triangle.

For example, if there is a triangle ABC, the line segment from A meets the midpoint of the opposite side, BC, at point D. Therefore, AD is the median of ∆ABC and it bisects the side BC into two halves where BD = BC.

The relation between the median and the sides of a triangle is such that “3 times the sum of squares of the length of sides = 4 times the squares of medians of a triangle.”

Properties of Median of a Triangle

A median has some unique properties, and these properties are discussed below.

1. In isosceles and equilateral triangles, the median drawn from the vertex bisects the angle whose two adjacent sides are equal.

The median not only bisects the side opposite to the vertex, but it also bisects the angle of the vertex in the case of equilateral and isosceles triangles. In the equilateral triangle ABC shown below, median AD bisects ∠BAC such that ∠BAD = ∠CAD.

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2. A triangle can have only three medians, which intersect at a point called ‘centroid’.

As a triangle has three vertices, it can have only three medians. All medians of a triangle intersect at a single point called the centroid. The shape or size of the triangle does not matter, and the medians will always intersect at the centroid.

In ∆ABC, medians AD, BE, and CF intersect at point G, which is called the centroid of the triangle.

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3. A median divides the area of the triangle in two equal halves.

In a triangle ABC, the median AD divides the triangle into two equal triangles whose areas are equal.

Area of ∆ADB = Area of ∆ADC.

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4. The centroid divides the length of each median in a 2:1 ratio.

The length of the part between the vertex and the centroid is twice the length between the centroid and the midpoint of the opposite side.

For example, in the triangle shown below, the length of AG is twice the length of GD, while the length of CG is twice the length of GF.

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5. The centroid divides the triangle into six smaller triangles having equal area.

From the figure above, the centroid divides the triangle into six smaller triangles, namely triangles AGE, CEG, CGD, DGB, BGF, and FGA. The areas of all these triangles are equal. Thus, the centroid divides the medians into a 2:1 ratio, as well as divides the triangle into six smaller triangles of equal area.

6. The length of the median of an equilateral triangle is always equal.

As we know that the length of all sides of an equilateral triangle is equal, it follows that the length of the median of an equilateral triangle bisecting these sides is also equal.

Thus, in an equilateral triangle ABC where AD, BE, and CF are the medians originating from the vertex A, B, and C respectively, we have:

AD = BE = CF

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7. In an isosceles triangle, medians drawn from equal angles are equal in length.

The length of medians drawn from vertices with equal angles should be equal.

Thus, in an isosceles triangle, ABC if AB = AC, medians BE, and CF originating from the vertex B and C respectively are equal in length.

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8. The median and sides of the triangle are related in such a way that “3 times the sum of the squares of the length of sides = 4 times the squares of medians of a triangle.”

How to Find the Median of a Triangle

A theorem, called Apollonius's Theorem, can help you to find the median of a triangle. The formula to find the median of a triangle is given as, 

\[m = \sqrt{\frac{2b^{2}+c^{2}-a^{2}}{4}}\]

where a, b, and c are the lengths of the sides and m is the median from interior angle drawn from the vertex A to side a.

Example 1: In the adjoining figure given, ∠PQR = 90∘ and QL is a median, PQ = 12cm, and QR = 14cm. Find QL.

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We have  PQ = 5 cm, QR = 12 cm and QL is a median.

∴ PL = LR = PR2 …….(I)


(PR)2 = (PQ)2 + (QR)2 ………...(By Pythagoras theorem)

= 144 + 256 

= 400

⇒ PR = 20

Now, by theorem, if L is the mid-point of the hypotenuse PR of a right angled ΔPQR, then,

QL = 1 / 2 PR = 1/2 * (20) = 10cm.

Example 2: In a triangle, ABC, coordinates of A are (1, 2) and the equations of the medians through B and C are x + y = 5 and x = 4 respectively, then what is the area of ΔABC (in sq. units)?


Median through C is x = 4

So, clearly, the x coordinate of C is 4

Let C = (4, y), then the midpoint of A (1, 2) and C (2, y) which is D lies on the median through B by definition.

Clearly, D = (1+4 / 2, 2+y / 2).

Now, we have, 3+4+y / 2 = 5 ⇒ y = 3. So, C = (4, 3).

The centroid of the triangle is formed by the intersection of the medians.

It is easy to see that the medians x =4 and x + y = 5 intersect at G = (4, 1).

The area of triangle ΔABC

 = 3 × ΔAGC 

= 3 × 1 / 2 × 3 × 2 

= 9.


Understand the meaning of median for every kind of triangle so that you can grab hold of the concept well. It will help you to understand the relation between a triangle’s sides and a median. Concentrate on the formulas to understand how they are derived using what relation to strengthen your conceptual foundation.

FAQs on Relation between Median and Side of Triangle

1. Write the properties of a median of a triangle in a concise way.

The properties of median of a triangle are:

  • In an isosceles and equilateral triangle with the same two adjacent sides, the median bisects the vertex angle.

  • The centroid divides the triangle into six smaller triangles of the same area.

  • The medians in an equilateral triangle are all the same length.

  • In the case of an isosceles triangle, the medians from the vertices with equal angles are of equal length.

  • In a scalene triangle, the length of the medians varies.

  • The sum of two triangle sides is greater than the median drawn from the vertex, which is quite common.

  • The median and side lengths are related in such a way that "3 times the sum of squares of side lengths = 4 times the squares of triangle medians."

2. What is the centroid of a triangle?

The point where all the medians of a triangle meet is called the centroid. It is also known as the center of gravity of a triangle. This point divides a median in a ratio of 2:1 where the bigger segment lies at the vertex opposite to the base side.