JEE Advanced Important Questions of Parabola
FAQs on JEE Advanced Parabola Important Questions
1. What is a Parabola that is often asked in the JEE Advanced Maths paper?
A parabola is a curve that looks like the opening of a parabolic umbrella and it is shaped like an open parabola. The main and important property of this curve is that it is symmetrical. The slope of a line segment joining any point on the curve to the focus is equal to the slope of another line segment joining the same point on the curve to the directrix.
2. What should be the answer if a question like the following is asked in the JEE Advanced Maths paper: What's the difference between a parabola and a hyperbola?
A parabola is the set of points whose distance from a given point (called the focus) is equal to their distance from a given line (called the directrix).
A hyperbola is the set of points whose distance from a given point is greater than their distance from a given line. The equation \[y^{2}=X\] describes a parabola, while XY=1 describes a hyperbola.
3. What are the four different kinds of conic sections as discussed in the chapter Parabola for JEE Advanced?
Conic sections are curves made by intersecting a plane with a right circular cone. The four main forms of conic sections are parabolas, ellipses, circles, and hyperbolas.
Ellipses are the easiest to visualize because they're sort of like stretched-out circles. Hyperbolas and parabolas look more like stretched out parabolas. Circles are pretty much circles.
4. Is it necessary to study the Parabola chapter in JEE?
Students preparing for exams such as the Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) are often faced with questions on parabolas. It is a topic that comes up quite frequently in this exam and hence students need to understand the concepts well. Students should not skip chapters when they are aiming to secure a seat in IITs.
5. How do I practice Parabola to score well in JEE Mains and JEE Advanced?
JEE Advanced is one of the most difficult exams in India. It tests your skill in solving problems that come under different categories such as calculus, analysis, mechanics, physics, etc. It also tests your ability to solve problems with constraints and other conditions.
To score well in JEE Advanced, you need to practice a lot of questions on a regular basis so that you become comfortable with the question types and can solve them without much thought.
The best way to practice a parabola is by solving previous year’s papers. Vedantu provides you with previous year papers of JEE Advanced and other competitive exams. Solve as many questions as possible as it will improve your speed and accuracy. Make sure you enjoy the process and not stress it out.